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January 15/14 17:16 pm - New Date for Gran Fondo Mont-Tremblant

Posted by Editoress on 01/15/14

The Gran Fondo Mont-Tremblant organizing committee announces the official registration launch and a new date for the second edition of the cycling event, which will be held on May 31st in 2014.

A passion for cycling and a love of the Laurentians remain the main motivating factors and driving force behind the Gran Fondo Mont–Tremblant cycling event. A successful inaugural edition in 2013 saw hundreds of cyclists discover the pristine road networks throughout the Mont-Tremblant region in a friendly and safe environment.

The region of Mont-Tremblant has phenomenal and compelling features that make it ideal for road cycling. Newly resurfaced roads combined with the scenery and the challenge of the Laurentians make Mont-Tremblant a major destination for recreational cycling. The event is quickly becoming one of the main events on the Gran Fondo calendar in Canada.

The official Gran Fondo routes of 125 and 80 kilometres offer cyclists a balance between challenge and discovery. Riders are guided through the rolling hills of eight municipalities and villages, taking in the panoramic views of fields and rivers bordered by the breathtaking Laurentians. The well-designed routes allow cyclists to discover many unknown areas of this cycling destination.

Several new features will be offered this year, including enhanced weekend programming, an adjusted formula for the elite group, as well as improved timing measures.

To meet growing demand, and to provide the opportunity for more cyclists to discover group riding in a safe and friendly atmosphere, Gran Fondo Mont-Tremblant now introduces the Mellow Fondo, a new 45 kilometre course dedicated to recreational and beginner level cyclists.

"Amid all proposed formulas in the field of cyclosportives, as an organization we chose a formula based on participation, safety and the enjoyment of road cycling in a group environment," explains Simon St-Arnaud, co-producer of the event.

"We want everyone from the cycling community to find their place in our event, from elite riders seeking a challenge to the Sunday cyclist and first-time Fondo participant," adds Robert Brunet, co-producer of Gran Fondo Mont-Tremblant.

The Gran Fondo Mont-Tremblant team thanks its partners, including the City of Mont-Tremblant, Tourism Mont-Tremblant, Station Mont Tremblant and the Tremblant Resort Association for their support. Gran Fondo Mont-Tremblant would also like to acknowledge the participation of the Quebec Ministry of Transportation, the Sûreté du Québec and the involvement of all neighbouring municipalities making the first edition a true success.

Earlybird Registration Rates
Participate in one of the first Gran Fondos of the season and benefit from significant discounts by registering before March 1st. Check out our new registration rates for your choice of course : the Gran Fondo, distance of 125km, the Medio Fondo at 80km or Mellow Fondo at 45km. Sign up now!

Visit the Registration page to sign up for Gran Fondo Mont-Tremblant 2014.


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