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Cycling 4 Women


April 1/14 13:30 pm - All the News that Isn't...

Posted by Editoress on 04/1/14

Well, we are assuming that you caught on to the fact that our news this morning was April 1st fare...  Just to confirm:

• Curt Harnett does not have a new TV gig (maybe someone should look into this...)

• The 'Grey Wheels' program is not a go (although Canada could really clean up here)

• Fat bikes are not in the Olympics

• The Paris-Roubaix has not had a name change (I'm amazed that we seem to be the only ones that came up with this one)

Our thanks to regular contributor Emil van Dijk for coming up with the last two items.

Some of the ones that didn't make it into the 'News' this year are:

- Canadian national team women have a secret weapon in cherry lip balm (from the recent news item we tweeted on the supposed benefits of cherries)

- Consciously uncoupled ... we really, really tried, but just couldn't come up with a suitable story for this one


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