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April 28/14 23:18 pm - Grand Prix IGA Ste-Martine results and photos

Posted by Editoress on 04/28/14

Results from the GP IGA Ste-Martine held in Ste-Martine Quebec on April 27th.


Photo Gallery by Ivan Rupes


Senior Women, 63 km (6 laps)
1 Kristi Lay (SAS-Mazda-Macogep p/p Specialized) 1:49:31
2 Emily Flynn (Stevens-The Cyclery) at s.t.
3 Adriane Provost (SAS-Mazda-Macogep p/p Specialized) 0:02
4 Rosalie Cardin Houde (SAS-Mazda-Macogep p/p Specialized)
5 Frédérique Larose-Gingras (CVM Subway Sigma)
6 Amelie Bruneau (Stevens-The Cyclery)
7 Natasha Elliott (Cycle-Smart Elite Team)
8 Raur Meilleur Harvey (Collectif de course Bikurious)
9 Elisabeth Albert (La Vie Sportive Apogee p/p Opus)
10 Allyson Gillard (Indépendant-RP)
11 Ellen Watters (Stevens-The Cyclery)
12 Karine Lebel (Acquisio-ACQ)
13 Josée Heppell (Iris)
14 Elizabeth Larochelle (Indépendant-RP)
15 Laurence Bourque (Dynamiks de Contrecoeur)
16 Andréanne Lanthier Nadeau (Rocky Mountain)
17 Marie Eve Poisson (SAS-Mazda-Macogep p/p Specialized)
18 Roxanne Pepin (SAS-Mazda-Macogep p/p Specialized) all s.t.
19 Isabelle Mayrand (Toguri Training Systems West) 7:12
20 Virginie Dufresne (Indépendant-RP) 9:35
21 Emilie Hauss (Collectif de course Bikurious) s.t.
DNF Gabrielle April (Indépendant-RP)
DNF Beatrice Le Sauteur (Acquisio-ACQ)
DNF Marlène Vaillancourt (Collectif de course Bikurious)
DNS Caroline Saint Pierre (cc Rimouski)
Senior 1-2, 105km (10 laps)
1 Simon Lambert Lemay (Garneau-Québécor) 2:22:36
2 Yohan Patry (Equipe Transports Lacombe/Devinci) s.t.
3 David Drouin (Team NCCH) 0:02
4 Geoffroy Dussault (Garneau Québec)
5 Aroussen Laflamme (Trek-Fiera) both s.t.
6 Etienne Moreau (Veloselect) 0:04
7 Matteo Dal-Cin (Stevens-The Cyclery) s.t.
8 Raphael Gagne (Rocky Mountain) 0:06
9 Jean Sebastien Perron (Stevens-The Cyclery)
10 Leandre Bouchard (Indépendant-RP)
11 Francois Chabot (Equipe Transports Lacombe/Devinci)
12 Mathieu Charruau (Trek-Fiera)
13 Hendrik Pineda (T.Palm-Pôle Continental Wallon)
14 Marc-Antoine Soucy (Equipe Transports Lacombe/Devinci)
15 Antoine Duchesne (Team Europcar) all s.t.
16 Christian Deshaies (Equipe Transports Lacombe/Devinci) 0:12
17 Cameron McPhaden (Veloselect) 0:14
18 Shawn Turcotte (Veloselect) 0:41
19 Emile Jean (Equipe Transports Lacombe/Devinci) 3:23
20 Thomas Fortin (CCB-Ultime Vélo-Trek) 6:02
21 Alexi Richer (Acquisio-ACQ)
22 David Barry (CCB Ultime Vélo) both s.t.
23 Vincent Hudon (CCB-Ultime Vélo-Trek CCB-Ultime) 7:13
24 Olivier Brisebois (La Vie Sportive Apogee p/p Opus) 7:37
25 Simon Ouellet (La Vie Sportive Apogee p/p Opus) s.t.
26 Martin Rupes (Team NCCH pb DEC Express) 7:39
27 Daniel Therer (Trek-Fiera) 7:41
28 Frederic Cossette (Equipe Transports Lacombe/Devinci) 10:01
29 William Goodfellow (Silber Pro Cycling Team)
30 Ugo Lapierre (Acquisio-ACQ)
31 Edouard Dumas Longpre (Véloselect)
32 Pierre-Étienne Boivin (Indépendant)
33 Kevin Massicotte (Independant)
34 Emmanuel Gagne (AIRGAS Cycling)
35 Ben Andrew (Stevens)
36 Justin Purificati (Ride with Rendall p/b Biemme)
37 Steven Murray (Lessard Bycycles Performance)
38 Adam Carr (Firefighters)
39 Samuel Gagnon (Zoom Devinci)
40 Dany Belley (Velo Station)
41 Mathieu Denis (Guru)
42 Jean Francois Dionne (Norco Bicycles Premier Tech)
43 Laurier Balthazar (Independant)
44 Vincent Veilleux Lessard (Velo Station)
45 Jules Cusson Fradet (Veloselect)
46 Ryan Phelps ( Velikonja/Tru)
47 David Onsow (Silber Pro Cycling Team)
48 Antoine Matteau (Equipe Transports Lacombe/Devinci)
49 Julien Gagné (Indépenant)
50 Louis Charles Lacroix (Norco Bicycles Premier Tech)
51 Benoit Bouchard Ouellet (Passion Vélos)
52 Alexandre Dion (ABC Cycles/Honda Centreville)
53 Didier Godbout (Velo Station)
54 Luke Vanlauwe (Team NCCH pb DEC Express)
55 Conor O'Brien (Stevens- The Cyclery)
56 Kevin Archambault (Specialized Québec)
57 Nicolas Ducharme (La Vie Sportive Apogee p/p Opus)
58 Francois Vaillancourt (Passion Vélo)
59 Laurent Levasseur (Véloselect)
60 Jason Cheney (Ride with Rendall p/b Biemme)
61 Guillaume Pinglot (Acquisio-ACQ)
62 Vincent Desilets Jacob (La Vie Sportive Apogee p/p Opus)
63 Edouard Tougas (Acquisio-ACQ)
64 Marc Allard (CCB-Ultime Vélo-Trek)
65 Stephen Keeping (Equipe Transports Lacombe/Devinci) all s.t.
66 Marc Antoine Noel (Véloselect) 10:13
67 Etienne Samson (Norco Bicycles Premier Tech)
68 Joelle Numainville (Optum) both s.t.
69 Benjamin Martel (Velo Station) 10:25
70 Jonathan Grignard (Indépendant-RP) 11:07
71 Wil Etherington (Veloselect) 11:20
72 Vincent Courcy (Acquisio-ACQ) 12:20
73 David Fugere (Norco Bicycles Premier Tech) 15:28
74 Matthew Turcotte (Team NCCH pb DEC Express) 16:44
75 Jean Francois L' Ecuyer (Indépendant-RP) 18:21
DNF Nicolas Ammerlaan (Acquisio-ACQ)
DNF David Boily (Indépendant-RP)
DNF Eric Burge (McGill Cycling)
DNF Logan Cornel (Norco Bicycles Premier Tech)
DNF Laurent Dallaire (Fantino Mondello/Cycles Regis)
DNF Joel Desgreniers (Norco Bicycles Premier Tech)
DNF Olivier Lavigueur (Guru)
DNF Fabien Lemaire (Acquisio-ACQ)
DNF Miguel Lukaszewicz (Veloselect)
DNF Kiernan Orange (Ride with Rendall)
DNF Nicolas Ostiguy Perreault (Indépendant-RP)
DNF Jean Francois Racine (Garneau Québec)
DNF Charly Vives (Trek-Fiera)
DNF Casey Roth (Ride With)
DNF Philippe Allard (Guru)
DNF Walter Meco (Indépendant-RP)
DNF Dennis Cottreau (Ride with Rendall p/b Biemme)
DNF Fabien Parent (Véloselect)
DNF Tyler D'arcy (O'regans)
DNF Thomas Devisscher (Indépendant)
DNF Eric Cousineau (Acquisio-ACQ)
DNF Pierre Luc Dufour (Acquisio-ACQ)
DNF Yorick Caron (Velo Station)
DNS Charles B. Thibault (Acidose Lactique)
DNS Jean Roch Marion (Guru)

Full results


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