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April 29/14 11:39 am - Tour d'Afrique Employment Info Sessions

Posted by Editoress on 04/29/14

Have you applied in the past for a job with Tour d'Afrique? Or have you thought about it, but wanted to learn a little more about what the job entails?

Why don't you join Miles or Shanny for an hour or so next month? Tour d'Afrique is holding an informal gathering of prospective staff in both Toronto and Victoria. We have many new tours launching in the next 18 months and we are in need of a lot of qualified and eager people to help us make these tours a success.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Toronto - Shanny Hill,

Victoria - Miles MacDonald,

If you intend on coming, please email us and let us know. The Toronto gathering will be held in TDA's office at 196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 407. The location for the Victoria event is still to be determined. We hope to see you there.


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