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September 19/14 9:45 am - TCAT Steering Committee: Recruiting New Members (Toronto)

Posted by Editoress on 09/19/14

Toronto Centre for Active Transportation (TCAT) is looking for three to four new Steering Committee members to provide strategic advice and contribute their skills to initiatives that advance TCAT’s mandate. Steering Committee members are asked to commit to approximately 10 hours per month to TCAT, including 2 hours for monthly meetings, for at least a two-year term.

The Steering Committee members will:

•  Be passionate about active transportation and the complete streets framework!
•  Provide advice on where TCAT should be focusing research, outreach and policy efforts.
•  Provide a diversity of insights based on different professional and community backgrounds.
•  Review and comment on drafts of TCAT research and resources.
•  Meet with stakeholders to promote TCAT or seek input on new TCAT projects.
•  Help develop and write funding proposals.
•  Lead or contribute to projects or initiatives that advance TCAT’s mandate.

The deadline to apply is October 17th. For more details about the position, and to apply, see the posting on TCAT's website .   


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