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November 8/14 14:35 pm - Ride 78 Indoor Cycling Program Opens in Vancouver

Posted by Editor on 11/8/14

Ride 78 is a new Vancouver-based indoor cycling program for roadies, mountain bikers, triathletes and cycling enthusiasts. Launched this October, Ride78 is running workouts at one of Vancouver's top bike shops, La Bicicletta, until next Spring. The workouts take place during the off hours of the shop. The gear racks are rolled away, the lights are dimmed and the music turns up as riders sweat it out for 60 minute sessions. Experienced coaches lead each workout and keep riders in the zone.

Riders need only bring their cycling shoes, cycling shorts and water bottle. Keiser M3+ bikes are provided, making it an effective and efficient program to train with. Coaches use heart rate, power, cadence, time and distance as key training metrics in each workout. Coaches review the fundamentals of cycling, progressive training techniques and how these workouts translate to the road. Most importantly, the team instills confidence and a newfound level of fitness into each rider.

For more information, please visit


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