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Cycling 4 Women


January 27/15 11:38 am - National Forum on Women & Bicycling (USA)

Posted by Editoress on 01/27/15

For three years, the League of American Bicyclists has hosted an event convening women engaged in bicycling advocacy across the nation.

It has been the mission of the League's Women Bike program to change the face of bicycling by creating pathways for women of diverse backgrounds to embrace biking as an everyday activity and participate as riders, advocates and leaders. The annual forum has proven to be where many conversations around this mission began, and people leave inspired to enact change in their own communities.

This year the theme is Bikes + Women Leaders = Big Ideas. The League's Women Bike believe in empowering women to take on positions of leadership in bike advocacy. By creating more diverse leaders, and proposing new systems of leadership it invites more creativity and innovation into the bike movement. This will lead not only to more women on bikes, but more inclusive conversations about bike advocacy.

So the theme is about defining your personal destiny in the bike movement. Where can you be most effective? How can you use your authentic leadership style to elicit results in your community or at your place of business? How can we build a bike movement that values powersharing, building community, respecting diversity of personal experience, and challenging traditional notions of leadership? How can bike advocates that do not identify as women assist women in co-creating a bike movement that truly believes in bikes for all?

The League's Women Bike will be announcing speakers in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more updates!

To register or learn more, visit Here.


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