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March 13/15 12:14 pm - Cycling BC iRide Program Underway

Posted by Editor on 03/13/15

This week Cycling BC's iRide program finished its first full week of outdoor programming and worked with a total of 500 students. Field trips to the Burnaby Velodrome and TaG Cycling wrapped up and outdoor events in Burnaby, West Vancouver and the Cowichan Valley enjoyed beautiful sunshine.

This week also marked the first chance for coaches to move students through the full progression of the iRide in-school program, adding various games and challenges into the last sessions. On Thursday, Bronwen Campbell and Wes Ochitwa completed the primary school sessions at Cypress Park with obstacle courses and straight line challenges, meanwhile on the island, Glenowyn Carlson brought in a local bike shop mechanic to help the students get ready for many days of riding this spring break. On Friday, Ben Chaddock and Wes Ochitwa used relay races through obstacle courses, limbo challenges and a ball game to help the HillCrest middle school students fine-tune their balance and safety awareness skills.

At the end of each session, each class nominated one boy and one girl who displayed the most improvement and most enthusiasm for cycling. These worthy champions were awarded a jersey for their efforts. Additionally, Ben handed out the first batch of Talent ID cards to some of the strongest Hillcrest Middle School students. This card provides incentive for students to try track cycling at the Burnaby velodrome. Although all students under 19 are able to try three Learn2Ride sessions at the Burnaby Velodrome for free (Mondays at 4.30-6pm), these cards hope to bridge the gap between iRide and future involvement. Julian Base reported on Monday, March 9th, that he already worked with one of these "Talent ID" cardholders!

A report from coach Glenowyn Carlson from Maple Bay's last day in the Cowichan Valley:

On Thursday for the last session Will Arnold from Experience Cycles came out and donated his time, fixing brakes, gears and chains on the bikes. The kids were excited to get their bikes "tricked out." Students were bewildered to discover that "it is nice to have my bike's brake levers and gears working well, it means I can go faster." The Shark Island or Survivor game was also a big hit as it allowed all the riders to participate. We finished with a relay race using a nature trail behind the school - for some it was the first time they ever rode it. I think the kids were stoked to graduated to a ride in the woods. I also saw a great improvement in rider awareness, acknowledging others, and improved obstacle anticipation.

For event availability and full information on CyclingBC's iRide Schools and Community Program, please contact

Courtesy Cycling BC


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