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March 30/15 22:24 pm - Track Ontario Cup #2 results and photos

Posted by Editoress on 03/30/15

Results from Track Ontario Cup #2 held  on March 27th and 28th at the Mattamny National Cycling Centre in Milton ON






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Master Men Points Race - Final
1 Steve Mckee (Wheels of Bloor/Graywood Development) 75 pts
2 Chris Firek (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes) 57 (-1 lap)
3 Steve Bauer (Independent) 54 (-1 lap)
4 Krzysztof Kurzawinski (Kurzawinski Coach -) 44 (-1 lap)
5 Brent Atkins (Wheelers) 27 (-2 laps)
6 Enrico Traini (Rapha Cycling Club) 26 (-2 laps)
7 Charles Cormier (Mike's Bike Shop) 20 (-2 laps)
8 Gary Wright (NCCH p/b DEC Express) 20 (-2 laps)
9 Mark Palma (NCCH p/b DEC Express) 1 (-3 laps)
10 Garnett Abbey (Erace Cancer) 1 (-3 laps)
11 Jamie Davies (B1 Evo Cycling) 1 (-3 laps)
12 Derek Koops (Midweek Cycling Club) 0 (-3 laps)
13 Jim Gantley (Kurzawinski Coach -) 0 (-3 laps)
14 Brian Cashin (Barrie/Simcoe Cyclin) 0 (-3 laps)
15 William Trischuk (D'ornellas Cycling) 0 (-3 laps)
16 Killian Cummings (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires) 0 (-3 laps)
17 Tristan Smit (B1 Evo Cycling) 0 (-3 laps)
18 David Enns (Cyclepath Oakville Racing) 0 (-3 laps)
T19. Ian Whenham (Independant) 0 (-3 laps)
T19. Gary Burkholder (Snakebite Racing) 0 (-3 laps)
DNF Neil Armstrong (Cycle-Smart Grassroot) 0
DNF Mandeep Gulati (Independent) 0
DNF Paul Beit (NCCH p/b DEC Express) 0
DNS Mark Goveia (St. Catharines Cycling) 0
Women Points Race - Final
1 Sarah Mason (Rise Racing) 24 pts
2 Naomi Desousa (Independent) 15
3 Sarah Anne Rasmussen (Independent) 13
4 Ali Van Yzendoorn (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires) 6
5 Hillary Lowry (NCCH p/b DEC Express) 5
6 Anneke Frankemolle (Velofemme-Litzler) 2
7 Amelia Bell (NCCH p/b DEC Express) 1
8 Aly Armstrong (Cycle-Smart Grassroot) 0
9 Andrea Nordemann-Da Silva (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires) -40 (-2 laps)
10 Elisa Mesiti (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes) -40 (-2 laps)
11 Lisa Ulrich (NCCH p/b DEC Express) -40 (-2 laps)
12 Ainsley Black (NCCH p/b DEC Express) -40 (-2 laps)
13 Lara Lee (NCCH p/b DEC Express) -40 (-2 laps)
DNF Emily Mcdonald (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires) -40 (-2 laps)
DNS Lesley Rasmussen Mckee (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes)
DNS Kassandra Kriarakis (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
Junior Men Points Race - Final
1 Bayley Simpson (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires) 37 pts
2 Lucas Taylor (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires) 35
3 Jordann Jones (NCCH p/b DEC Express) 28
4 Connor Byway (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 23
5 Dustin King (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 23
6 Ian Currie (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires) 9 (-1 lap)
7 Joseph Kelly (NCCH p/b DEC Express) 6 (-1 lap)
8 obert Starrs (Esteemtraining.Com) 5 (-1 lap)
9 Cameron Mason (Two Wheels) 5 (-1 lap)
10 Riley Mckellar (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires) 3 (-1 lap)
11 Nick Wammes (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires) 2 (-1 lap)
12 Harry Mayne (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express) 1 (-1 lap)
13 Jake Allaire (NCCH p/b DEC Express) 0 (-1 lap)
14 Hayden Mayeur (Esteemtraining.Com) 0 (-1 lap)
15 Aidan Zeversenuke (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires) 0 (-1 lap)
16 Justin Correa (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires) 0 (-1 lap)
17 Chris Ernst (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires) 0 (-1 lap)
18 Dawson Macdonald (NCCH p/b DEC Express) -20 (-2 laps)
19 Josh Smith (NCCH p/b DEC Express) -20 (-2 laps)
20 Josh Shenker (Independent) -20 (-2 laps)
DNF Kobe Liberty (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
DNF Joseph Pancoe (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
Men Points Race - Final
1 Ed Veal (Real Deal/ Gears p/b WASP) 42 pts
2 Simon Fothergill (NCCH p/b DEC Express) 42
3 Scott Laliberte (Racer Sportif/Mattam) 41
4 Martin Rupes (NCCH p/b DEC Express) 29
5 Aaron Thomas (NCCH p/b DEC Express) 20
6 James Orton (NCCH p/b DEC Express) 7 (-1 lap)
7 Todd Scheske (Legaci Cycling) 5 (-1 lap)
8 Chris Freeland (Jet Fuel Coffee) 5 (-1 lap)
9 Andrew Da Silva (Sommerville Sports -) -16 (-2 laps)
10 Michael Cormier (Legaci Cycling) -19 (-2 laps)
DNF Ugurtan Malkoc (D'ornellas Cycling) -17 (-2 laps)
DNF Thomas Lowry (Independent) -20 (-2 laps)
DNF Keith Garrison (King Kog) -60 (-3 laps)
DNF Logan Cornel (76490) -40 (-2 laps)
DNS Chris Dunbar (Lapdogs) 0
Detailed PTS Results

Master Men Sprint
1 Chris Firek (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes)
2 Steve Mckee (Wheels of Bloor/Graywood Development)
3 Krzysztof Kurzawinski (Kurzawinski Coach -)
4 Brent Atkins (Wheelers)
Elite Women Sprint
1 Sarah Mason (Rise Racing)
2 Anneke Frankemolle (Velofemme-Litzler)
3 Aubrie DeSylva (Independent)
4 Jennifer Kaufman (Independent)
Junior Women Sprint
1 Charlotte Creswicke (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
2 Naomi DeSousa (Independent)
3 Amelia Bell (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
4 Andrea Nordmann-Da Silva (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
Junior Men Sprint
1 Nick Wammes (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
2 Lucas Taylor (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
3 Cameron Mason (Two Wheels)
4 Joseph Kelly (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
Elite Men Sprint
1 Eric MacDonald (Coach Chris)
2 Ozren Opacic (Independent)
3 Timothy Burton (Real Deal/ Gears p/b WASP)
4 Todd Scheske (Legacy Cycling)
 Detailed Sprint Results
Master Men - Elimination Race - Final
1 Krzysztof Kurzawinski (Kurzawinski Coach -)
2 Steve Bauer (Independent)
3 Chris Firek (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes)
4 Enrico Traini (Rapha Cycling Club)
5 Murray Solem (Independent)
6 Steve Mckee (Wheels of Bloor/Graywood Development)
7 Killian Cummings (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
8 Garnett Abbey (Erace Cancer)
9 Mark Palma (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
10 Brent Atkins (Wheelers)
11 Jeff Douglas (Wheels of Bloor/Graywood Development)
12 Paul Beit (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
13 Orrin Bowser (AWI Racing)
14 Alex Hantoumakos (Indepedent)
15 Derek Koops (Midweek Cycling Club)
16 Gary Wright (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
17 Ian Whenham (Independant)
18 Fraser Chapman (Morning Glory Cycling)
19 Richard Froner (Lapdogs)
20 Jamie Davies (B1 Evo Cycling)
21 Jamie Davies (B1 Evo Cycling)
22 Jim Gantley (Kurzawinski Coach -)
23 Eric Curtis (Projekt)
24 William Trischuk (D'ornellas Cycling)
Women - Elimination Race - Final
1 Sarah Mason (Rise Racing)
2 Ali Van Yzendoorn (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
3 Julia Bradley (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
4 Naomi Desousa (Independent)
5 Candice Vermeulen (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
6 Amelia Bell (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
7 Emily Mcdonald (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
8 Ainsley Black (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
9 Hillary Lowry (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
10 Andrea Nordemann-Da Silva (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
11 Lisa Ulrich (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
12 Lara Lee (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
13 Jennifer Kaufmann
14 Anneke Frankemolle (Velofemme-Litzler)
DNS Lesley Rasmussen Mckee (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes)
DNS Kassandra Kriarakis (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
Junior Men - Elimination Race - Final
1 Bayley Simpson (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
2 Cameron Mason (Two Wheels)
3 Lucas Taylor (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
4 Jordann Jones (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
5 Connor Byway (Ottawa Bicycle Club)
6 Josh Smith (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
7 Josh Shenker (Independent)
8 Jake Allaire (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
9 Dawson Macdonald (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
10 Harry Mayne (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express)
11 Chris Ernst (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
12 Ian Currie (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
13 Nick Wammes (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
14 Aidan Zeversenuke (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
15 Riley Mckellar (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
16 Joseph Kelly (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
17 Je'Land Sydney (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
18 Kobe Liberty (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
19 obert Starrs (Esteemtraining.Com)
20 Joseph Pancoe (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
21 Dustin King (Ottawa Bicycle Club)
22 Justin Correa (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
23 Logan McIntyre (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tir
DNS Hayden Mayeur (Esteemtraining.Com)
Elite Men - Elimination Race - Final
1 Ed Veal (Real Deal/ Gears p/b WASP)
2 Scott Laliberte (Racer Sportif/Mattam)
3 Brandon Etzl (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
4 Simon Fothergill (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
5 Aaron Thomas (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
6 Martin Rupes (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
7 Logan Cornel (76490)
8 James Orton (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
9 Keith Garrison (King Kog)
10 Andrew Da Silva (Sommerville Sports -)
11 Thomas Lowry (Independent)
12 Ros Knopov (Sommervile SPorts)
13 Alan Dempsey (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
14 Todd Scheske (Legaci Cycling)
15 Ugurtan Malkoc (D'ornellas Cycling)
16 Michael Cormier (Legaci Cycling)
17 Ozren Opacic (Independent)
18 Shane O'Brien (Midweek)
DNS Chris Dunbar (Lapdogs)
 Detailed Elimination results

Women - Scratch Race - Final
1 Candice Vermeulen (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
2 Sarah Mason (Rise Racing)
3 Naomi Desousa (Independent)
4 Ali Van Yzendoorn (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
5 Amelia Bell (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
6 Charlotte Creswicke (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
7 Julia Bradley (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
8 Anneke Frankemolle (Velofemme-Litzler)
9 Aly Armstrong (Cycle-Smart Grassroot)
10 Hillary Lowry (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
11 Ainsley Black (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
12 Andrea Nordemann-Da Silva (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
13 Lisa Ulrich (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
14 Emily Mcdonald (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires) -1 lap
15 Aubrie DeSylva (Independent) -2 laps
DNF Lara Lee (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
DNS Lesley Rasmussen Mckee (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes)
DNS Kassandra Kriarakis (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
Master Men - Scratch Race - Final
1 Krzysztof Kurzawinski (Kurzawinski Coach -)
2 Chris Firek (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes)
3 Steve Mckee (Wheels of Bloor/Graywood Development)
4 Steve Bauer (Independent)
5 Killian Cummings (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires)
6 Enrico Traini (Rapha Cycling Club)
7 Mark Palma (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
8 Paul Beit (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
9 Brent Atkins (Wheelers)
10 Garnett Abbey (Erace Cancer)
11 Richard Froner (Lapdogs)
12 Gary Wright (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
13 Campbell MacMillan (Kurzawinski Coach -)
14 Mathew Ford (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes)
15 Charles Cormier (Mike's Bike Shop)
16 Tristan Smit (B1 Evo Cycling)
17 Neil Armstrong (Cycle-Smart Grassroot)
18 Mark Goveia (St. Catharines Cycling)
19 Derek Koops (Midweek Cycling Club)
20 Brian Cashin (Barrie/Simcoe Cyclin) -1 lap
21 Eric Curtis (Projekt) -1 lap
22 Mandeep Gulati (Independent) -2 laps
DNF William Trischuk (D'ornellas Cycling)
DNS Marcu Boyle (Lapdogs)
Men - Scratch Race - Final
1 Ed Veal (Real Deal/ Gears p/b WASP)
2 Simon Fothergill (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
3 Martin Rupes (NCCH p/b DEC Express)
4 Scott Laliberte (Racer Sportif/Mattam)
5 Aaron Thomas (NCCH p/b DEC Express) -1 lap
6 Ozren Opacic (Independent) -1 lap
7 Andrew Da Silva (Sommerville Sports -) -1 lap
8 Ugurtan Malkoc (D'ornellas Cycling) -1 lap
9 Michael Cormier (Legaci Cycling) -1 lap
10 Brandon Etzl (NCCH p/b DEC Express) -1 lap
11 James Orton (NCCH p/b DEC Express) -1 lap
12 Ros Knopov (Sommervile SPorts) -1 lap
13 Alan Dempsey (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires) -1 lap
14 Todd Scheske (Legaci Cycling) -1 lap
DNF Thomas Lowry (Independent)
DNF Keith Garrison (King Kog)
DNF Shane O'Brien (Midweek)
DNF Logan Cornel (76490)
DNS Chris Dunbar (Lapdogs)
 Detailed Scratch results


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