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May 9/15 11:52 am - School Cycling Program Now Offers Summer Camps (B.C.)

Posted by Editoress on 05/9/15

Cycling BC's iRide program is hosting a comprehensive summer camp program in 2015, building on the overwhelmingly successful school events held this spring in British Columbia. Over 10,000 students have worked with the highly trained and certified coaches at Cycling BC to date this year.










The goal of the camp is to introduce young cyclists (ages 8-13) to multiple aspects of cycling while striving to keep the fun in cycling a priority. Weekly camps will include BMX, trail riding, velodrome, road skills and bike maintenance. Tons of cycling based games will be utilised in skill development, helping to create skills within a fun filled environment.

Each day will showcase a different style of cycling: BMX, MTB, Velodrome and Road, utilizing local trails. Bicycles and helmets will be provided for riders in need. If you like your bicycle, you can purchase the equipment at the end of the camp. Riders will also receive a Cycling BC iRide shirt as well as the chance to win year-end prizes.

Camps will run weekly from July 6th - Aug 14th, Monday to Friday. Participants may choose either the morning camp (9 am - 12 Noon) or the afternoon camp (1 pm - 4 pm). Camps start each day from the Burnaby Velodrome parking lot and will be based in and around the Burnaby Velodrome, utilizing the mountain bike trails, BMX park, and velodrome.

The cost to participate in this program is $125. Book before May 15th and save 20%. Registration is open and camps are filling up. Please click on the link below for sign up.

Summer Camp Page

iRide Website


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