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October 14/15 16:03 pm - Webinar: Supporting Change Within Your Sport Organization

Posted by Editoress on 10/14/15

One of the most challenging aspects of organizational leadership is creating a safe and stimulating environment that enables change to be embraced. Change happens whether we like it or not ... whether we are ready or not. Supporting people through a change process means being in tune to the reasons for the change, communicating proactively to staff and stakeholders, and giving people the time and space to transition. Change initiatives fail to take root for a number of reasons, some of which we will explore more fully during the webinar. Led by Dina Bell-Laroche, a respected sport leader and Integral Master Coach, this webinar will provide participants with increased knowledge on how to facilitate a positive change experience for their sport organization.

Sport Law & Strategy Group - October 27th @ 12:00pm EST – Supporting a positive change management experience within your sport organization

To register, please click Here. The cost for the webinar is $40 including tax.

The SL&SG launched the "Advancing your Game Webinar Series" earlier this year in response to the demand from our clients asking for accessible and affordable training sessions on relevant sport management topics. If there's a sport management topic you want us to cover, send Dina an email at

To learn more about the SL&SG, visit


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