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October 21/15 19:38 pm - Employment Opportunity - Argyll Velodrome (Edmonton)

Posted by Editoress on 10/21/15

The Argyll Velodrome Racing Academy's (AVRA) mission is to provide a high performance daily training environment for national and international level athletes, via expert leadership, services, equipment, and programs. Within its broader mandate, AVRA provides a variety of programs to able bodied and para athletes from 17 years, through to elite national team members, as well as masters. The program delivers age appropriate training and monitoring to the athletes with the goal of inspiring them to achieve their full individual potential.

Over the past two years, AVRA has developed six cyclists to represent Canada at World Championships, World Cups, and Para Pan Am Games. AVRA coached cyclists have won two silver medals at World Championships, won 10 Canadian Championships, and finished on the national podium an additional 10 times.

AVRA is providing a unique opportunity for a driven, entrepreneurial Head Coach. This position is intended to be full/part time at 20-40 hours per week. Hours will vary throughout the year ranging from 5-12 hours a day depending on the competitive season. Evening and weekend work is a requirement. The position requires a high level of independence and self-motivation, as well as the ability to develop and implement daily, weekly, and yearly training/competition plans. The primary training site for the AVRA program is the Argyll Velodrome. Professional development opportunities will be possible through work with the Alberta Bicycle Association.

Core Competencies
• Coaching
•  Leadership
• Communication
• Planning
• Evaluation & Reflection

Primary Purpose
To provide a world-class training environment for performance cycling athletes in the disciplines of road, track, and para-cycling.

Primary Responsibilities
1. Develop and coordinate the yearly training and competition program for AVRA athletes (para and able bodied);
2. Deliver programs in the daily training environment to AVRA athletes (para and able bodied);
3. Create and implement a dynamic, performance oriented training and competitive environment where AVRA athletes thrive;
4. Demonstrate ethical qualities, and promote the virtues of fair play and sportsmanship in athletes;
5. Develop and coordinate camps and/or clinics for the purpose of athlete recruitment.

Additional Responsibilities
1. Inspire cyclists through an athlete centred/collaborative coaching approach;
2. Inspire cyclists to commit to their athletic development. Provide training in context of both competitive performance, and skills and disciplines that can be applied in life away from competition;
3. Guide cyclists through the physical, mental and emotional training required to achieve goals;
4. Develop and maintain positive communication with outside providers (e.g. local clubs, ABA, Cycling Canada) to ensure proper delivery of the high performance cycling program;
5. Participate in local/provincial cycling related meetings and functions (e.g. ABA AGM) to stay current on the local cycling community's endeavours and maintain communication with the ABA staff;
6. Practice a continual two-way exchange of knowledge and ideas with other Alberta coaches;
7. Pursue continuous personal and professional development to ensure the most topical and up to date information is available for both coach and athlete;
8. Facilitate national and international competitive opportunities for athletes;
9. Assist with the preparation of grants to maximize funding opportunities for AVRA and its athletes.

Minimum Qualifications
• Introduction to Competition trained (with goal of certification within 3 months)
• Member in good standing of the Coaches of Canada, Alberta Bicycle Association, and Cycling Canada
• Clean Police Background Check and Driver's Abstract
• Minimum of 2 years road and track Coaching Experience
• Strong interest in coaching as a career

Employment Status:  Contractor (Full or Part time)

Salary:  Client and grant driven

Closing Date:  Open until a suitable candidate is found

Please send your cover letter and resume to Jeff Bakal at

Argyll Velodrome Association
6850 88 Street
Edmonton, AB
T6E 5H6


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