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May 5/16 11:47 am - Trillium Trail Blazers Youth MTB Races (Ontario)

Posted by Editoress on 05/5/16

Mountain Bike Ontario (MBO) is a new initiative to get more youth into organized mountain biking. It is supported by the collaborative efforts of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Ontario Cycling Association (OCA), Superfly, and Pulse Racing organizations.PHOTO

MBO is thrilled to announce two new introductory events for youth interested in getting involved with mountain biking, the Trillium Trail Blazers Youth Races.

Trillium Trail Blazers Youth Races are FREE for people 6-16 years of age, and offer five easy steps to becoming a mountain bike racer:

1. Check out the event details at our website; and register online.

2. Bring your helmet and a bike (A limited number of bike rentals are available for a small fee at the Hardwood event ONLY. Please call 705-487-3775 to book a bike rental).

3. Join us before the race for a pre-race clinic where Pro riders can help you with your bike, give you some tips, answer any questions and make sure you're ready to race.

4) RIDE and HAVE FUN!!! No pressure. Just come out, give it a shot, and do what you can. It's all for fun!

5) Collect your finisher medal. You did it!

Two great events to chose from:

Saturday, June 4th
Horseshoe Resort, Horseshoe Valley
9:00 am - Registration and Pick-up
11:00 am - Youth MTB mini clinic hosted by Pro-Riders
12:00 pm - Trillium Trail Blazers Youth Race

Saturday, June 11th
Hardwood Ski & Bike, Barrie
9:00 am - Registration and Pick-up*
*(limited bike rentals available - please call 705-487-3775 to reserve)
11:00 am - Youth MTB mini clinic hosted by Pro-Riders
12:00 pm - Trillium Trail Blazers Youth Race

Along with the two new intro events, MBO has launched a fun yet informative website to help those new to the mountain biking scene. The website offers:

• Basic info on how to get started & what equipment you need
• Mountain bike club & trail location map where you can find people & places for great riding near you
• Mountain bike race listings & registration, including our new intro events: Trillium Trail Blazers Youth Races
• Calendar of mountain biking events
• Forum where you can connect with others, get more info, or ask questions
• Plus lots more fun stuff including contests with great prizes!

For more information on MBO, please visit


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