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May 11/16 17:13 pm - Registration Opens for The Power of Coaching Webinar

Posted by Editor on 05/11/16

The Sport Law & Strategy Group (SLSG) will be hosting its next webinar on Wednesday, May 25th, and will be featuring a live coaching session with Integral Master Coach Dina Bell-Laroche from Noon (EST) to 1 PM.

In the webinar, titled Coaching Beyond the Field of Play, Dina will provide an overview of Integral Coaching and do a 'live coaching' session with a participant to demonstrate the powerful impact of the method. The webinar will provide participants with an opportunity to reflect on their own professional growth and development and witness first-hand how the Integral Coaching method can be used to support sport leaders in sustaining growth in their chosen topic.

The SLSG launched the "Advancing your Game Webinar Series" in 2015 with topics including the Not-For Profit Corporations Act, Sponsorship, Human Resources, and Positive Change Management. Future webinars will feature harassment in sport and marketing your events and properties.

To register for the webinar please click Here. The cost for this webinar is $40 including tax.

To learn more about the SLSG click Here.


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