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August 22/16 11:51 am - Ontario Provincial Criterium Championships

Posted by Editoress on 08/22/16

Results from the Ontario Provincial Criterium Championships held in Markham Ontario on August 21st

Presented by & Morning Glory Cycling Club

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Master D Men, 36 km (Speed 37.5 km/h)
1 Bruce Camacho (Full Throttle Cycling Club - RMMD) 0:57:39
2 Richard Westwood (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RMMD)
3 Paul Dean (Cycles London Racing Team - RMMD)
4 Jim Neal (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMD)
5 Peter Kofman (Erace Cancer Cycling Team p/b RideBiker - RMMD) all s.t.
DNF Rodney Godard (Kirwin Partners Cycling Team - RMMD)
DNS Johnnie Edghill (Full Throttle Cycling Club - RMMD)
Master C Men, 36 km (Speed 37.7 km/h)
1 Krzysztof Kurzawinski (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RMMC) 0:57:19
2 Ian Scott (Wheels of Bloor/Graywood Development - RMMC) at s.t.
3 Igor Dragoslavic (Pedal Harder-Six S Partners - RMMC) 0:06
4 Carmine Caravaggio (Pedalinx Zuck Bikes - RMMC) 0:20
5 Lawrence Akot (Waspcam - RMMC)
6 Doug Holt (Erace Cancer Cycling Team p/b RideBiker - RMMC)
7 Christian Schneider (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RMMC)
8 Georg Nikodym (Wheels of Bloor/Graywood Development - RMMC)
9 Ronald Ross (Team Race - RMMC)
10 Marc Polsinelli (Pedalinx Zuck Bikes - RMMC)
11 Andy Mill (Waspcam - RMMC)
12 Bruno Grossi (Pedalinx Zuck Bikes - RMMC) all s.t.
13 Steve Hart (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMC) 0:35
14 Joe Tran (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMC) 7:06
DNF Pedro Caraballo (Full Throttle Cycling Club - RMMC)
DNF Mike Jacques (Cobourg Cycling Club - RMMC)
All Women, 33 km (Speed 34.3 km/h)
1 Sarah Anne Rasmussen (SAS - Macogep - Acquisio p/p Mazda - RWE.1) 0:57:46
2 Sara Giovannetti (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RWE.2)
3 Aubrie Desylva (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RWE.3)
4 Kate Heckman (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club - RWE.2)
5 Katya Masun (Wheels of Bloor/Graywood Development - RWMB)
6 Laura Gazzola (Wheels of Bloor/Graywood Development - RWE.1)
7 Jenna Nestman (Independent - RWE.2)
8 Kaitlyn Rauwerda (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWU17)
9 Lori Kofman (Erace Cancer Cycling Team p/b RideBiker - RWMB)
10 Hillary Lowry (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWJ)
11 Kendra Howard (Midweek Cycling Club - RWE.3) all s.t.
12 Molly Mccracken (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club - RWE.3) 0:06
13 Hannah Macdonald (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWJ) 0:13
14 Leslie Horn (Novofit - Compass360racing - RWMB) 0:33
15 Erica Leonard (Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team - RWJ) 1:28
16 Kassandra Kriarakis (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RWU17) 1:30
17 Lisa Ulrich (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWMB) 2:38
18 Rosa Phillip (Midweek Cycling Club - RWMA) 4:17
19 Chantal Thompson (Midweek Cycling Club - RWMA) s.t.
20 Amanda Mcrae (Independent - RWE.3) 6:28
21 Morgan Bialkowski (Sudbury Cycling Club - RWE.3) 8:34
22 Deirdre Henderson (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWJ) 14:17
23 Amelia Bell (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWJ) 14:38
DNF Candice Moote (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RWE.1)
DNS Vlada Dekina (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RWMB)
DNS Amy White ( Rousseau/Garneau - RWMB)
Junior Women, 33 km (Speed 34.3 km/h)
1 Kaitlyn Rauwerda (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWU17) 0:57:46
2 Hillary Lowry (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWJ) at s.t.
3 Hannah Macdonald (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWJ) 0:13
4 Erica Leonard (Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team - RWJ) 1:28
5 Kassandra Kriarakis (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RWU17) 1:30
6 Deirdre Henderson (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWJ) 14:17
7 Amelia Bell (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWJ) 14:38
Master A Women, 33 km (Speed 31.9 km/h)
1 Rosa Phillip (Midweek Cycling Club - RWMA) 1:02:03
2 Chantal Thompson (Midweek Cycling Club - RWMA) at s.t.
Master B Women, 33 km (Speed 34.3 km/h)
1 Katya Masun (Wheels of Bloor/Graywood Development - RWMB) 0:57:46
2 Lori Kofman (Erace Cancer Cycling Team p/b RideBiker - RWMB) 0:00
3 Leslie Horn (Novofit - Compass360racing - RWMB) 0:33
4 Lisa Ulrich (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RWMB) 2:38
DNS Amy White ( Rousseau/Garneau - RWMB)
DNS Vlada Dekina (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RWMB)
Junior Men, 39 km (Speed 39.1 km/h)
1 Jordann Jones (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMJ) 0:59:50
2 Matthew Staples (Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team - RMJ) at 0:07
3 Adam Lefebvre (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RMJ) 1:02
4 Sydney Flageole-Bray (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMU17) 1:05
5 Chris Ernst (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RMJ) 2:28
6 Dawson Macdonald (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMU17)
7 Michael Foley (Independent - RMJ)
8 Lucas Taylor (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RMJ)
9 Aidan Zeversenuke (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RMU17)
10 Gunnar Holmgren (Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team - RMJ)
11 Tyler Clark (Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team - RMU17)
12 Jakob Meloche (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RMJ)
13 Gavin Kerr (Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team - RMJ)
14 Dylan Kerr (Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team - RMU17)
15 Noah Simms (Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team - RMJ)
16 Cole Schumacher (Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team - RMJ)
17 Eric Reinke (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMJ)
18 Justin Correa (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RMU17)
19 Nicholas Diniz (Racer Sportif / Mattamy Homes - RMJ) all s.t.
20 Thomas Pevalin (Realdeal/D'ornellas P/B Garnea - RMJ) 2:41
21 Eric Bartolomeo (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMJ) 3:49
PUL Joseph Pancoe (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMJ)
Master B Men, 39 km (Speed 39.4 km/h)
1 Steve Mckee (Wheels of Bloor/Graywood Development - RMMB) 0:59:19
2 Mick Caturay (True North Road Corps - RMMB) at 0:18
3 Sean Ryan (Tower International Cycling Team - RMMB) 0:18
4 Phill Hodgkinson (Wheels of Bloor/Graywood Development - RMMB) s.t.
5 Vance Lai (Pedal Harder-Six S Partners - RMMB) 0:20
6 Brian Kelly (Waspcam - RMMB) 0:24
7 Justin Rogers (Waspcam - RMMB) 1:03
8 Chris Firek (Racer Sportif / Mattamy Homes - RMMB)
9 Michael Ybanez (Pedal Harder-Six S Partners - RMMB) both s.t.
10 Miguel Novo (Novofit - Compass360racing - RMMB) 1:05
11 Sebastian Zdyb (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB)
12 Scott Bentley (Sound Solutions - RMMB)
13 Jim Gantley (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RMMB)
14 Rolston Miller (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMB)
15 Jason Chai-Onn (Pedal Harder-Six S Partners - RMMB)
16 Gerard Yeates (Full Throttle Cycling Club - RMMB)
17 Derek Koops (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB)
18 Jason Woods (Tower International Cycling Team - RMMB)
19 Murray Solem (Independent - RMMB) all s.t.
20 Joe Rousseau ( Rousseau/Garneau - RMMB) 1:11
21 Chris Pippy (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMB)
22 Chris Wood (Sound Solutions - RMMB)
23 Matthias Schmidt (Racer Sportif / Mattamy Homes - RMMB) all s.t.
24 Chris Kirk (Independent - RMMB) 1:16
25 Steve Smith (Erace Cancer Cycling Team p/b RideBiker - RMMB) 1:17
26 Ryan Hodgkinson (Waspcam - RMMB) 1:25
PUL Demetre Kalkounis (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMB)
PUL Greg Clark (Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team - RMMB)
DNF Paul Kotyk (Waspcam - RMMB)
DNF Wilbert Benjamin (Independent - RMMB)
DNF Kevin Lockhart (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB)
DNF Matt Thomas (Novofit - Compass360racing - RMMB)
DNS Doug Blades (True North Road Corps - RMMB)
DNS Robert Chiocca (Blacksmith Cycle - RMMB)
DNS Michael Longfield (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB)
DNS Marten Mann (London Honda/Integrity Tool & - RMMB)
DNS Michael Mandel (Morning Glory Cycling Club - RMMB)
Elite 1&2 Women, 33 km (Speed 34.3 km/h)
1 Sarah Anne Rasmussen (SAS - Macogep - Acquisio p/p Mazda - RWE.1) 0:57:46
2 Sara Giovannetti (Kurzawinski Coach - Bike Zone - RWE.2)
3 Aubrie Desylva (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RWE.3)
4 Kate Heckman (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club - RWE.2)
5 Laura Gazzola (Wheels of Bloor/Graywood Development - RWE.1)
6 Jenna Nestman (Independent - RWE.2)
7 Kendra Howard (Midweek Cycling Club - RWE.3) all s.t.
8 Molly Mccracken (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club - RWE.3) 0:06
9 Amanda Mcrae (Independent - RWE.3) 6:28
10 Morgan Bialkowski (Sudbury Cycling Club - RWE.3) 8:34
DNF Candice Moote (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RWE.1)
Master A Men, 39 km (Speed 39.7 km/h)
1 Scott Elliott (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA) 0:58:54
2 James Keezer (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA) at 0:05
3 Marshall Eidinger (Alphavelo Q36.5 Racing - RMMA) 1:22
4 Craig Saari (To Wheels Epic Sports Bcc - RMMA)
5 Enrico Traini (Kallisto-FCV p/b Toyo Tires - RMMA) both s.t.
6 Bryan Tyers (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMMA) 1:25
7 Mike Patte (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMA)
8 Mark Van Doormaal (To Wheels Epic Sports Bcc - RMMA) both s.t.
9 Adam Myers (Pedal Harder-Six S Partners - RMMA) 1:28
10 Chris Pollett (To Wheels Epic Sports Bcc - RMMA) 3:03
PUL Michael Fawcett (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club - RMMA)
PUL Dan Thompson (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA)
DNF Dan Donovan (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club - RMMA)
Under 23 Men, 60 km (Speed 40.0 km/h)
1 Bayley Simpson (Team Raceclean - RMU23.1) 1:30:01
2 Martin Rupes (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMU23.1)
3 Brandon Etzl (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMU23.1)
4 Matthew Sherar (Independent - RMU23.4)
5 Tommy Waldeck (OCTTO Cycling Team - RMU23.2)
6 Max Rubarth (Tekne Cycle Club - RMU23.2) all s.t.
7 Timothy Austen (La Shop - Santé Universelle - RMU23.2) 0:22
8 Aaron Thomas (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMU23.2) 0:30
DNF Simon Fothergill (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMU23.2)
DNF Joseph Kelly (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMU23.3)
DNF James Orton (NCCH p/b DEC Express - RMU23.1)
DNF Zachary Konings ( Rousseau/Gar - RMU23.3)
DNF William Wang (London Centennial Wheelers - RMU23.4)
Elite Men, 60 km (Speed 40.0 km/h)
1 Peter Morse (Mariposa Bicycles - RME.1) 1:30:01
2 Christopher Rowley (Phi Hotel Group / P-K Express - RME.2) at 0:04
3 Ben Mcnabb (Team NCCH p/b DEC Express - RME.2)
4 Sean Baker (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.4) both s.t.
DNF Aaron Schooler (Iwill Helmet Awareness Cycling - RME.1)
DNF Ian Manning (Bikesports Cycling Club - RME.1)
DNF Tony Jacques (Cobourg Cycling Club - RME.3)
DNF Niles Vaivars (Independent - RME.2)
DNF Alan Dempsey (La Shop - Santé Universelle - RME.2)
DNF Stephen Bilicki (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.3)
DNF John Lobraico (To Wheels Epic Sports Bcc - RME.3)
DNS Marc Freemantle (Realdeal/D'ornellas P/B Garnea - RME.1)
DNS Ed Veal (Realdeal/D'ornellas P/B Garnea - RME.1)
DNS Warren Shiau (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club - RME.3


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