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Cycling 4 Women


October 28/17 19:24 pm - Cookie Cross (ON) results

Posted by Editoress on 10/28/17

Results from Cyclocross Toronto's Cookie Cross held at Christie Pitts, Toronto

Women (CWM)
1 Kathy Eggenberger (Peterborough Cycling Club) 0:50:39
2 Valerie Flower (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team) at 0:40
3 Nicole Visschedyk (Bateman's Bike Co.) 1:22
4 Christina Alsop (Giant Toronto/Liv pb Powerwatts) 3:09
5 Rebecca Christensen (Peterborough Cycling Club) 4:57
6 Kendra Spanton (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club) 6:27
7 Kathleen Banville (Urbane Cyclist) 7:34
8 Sue Carlson (Peterborough Cycling Club) 8:19
9 Nicola Kidd (Bateman's Bike Co.) 8:48
10 Sarah Anderson (Independent) -1 lap
11 Stephanie Walker-Wells (Independent) -1 lap
12 Michal Leckie (Independent) -1 lap
13 Airlie Mccann (Independent) -1 lap
14 Sarah Fasullo (LapDogs Cycling Club) -1 lap
15 Shannon Hegarty (Bateman's Bike Co.) -1 lap
DNF Suzanne Carlsen (VéloColour)
DNF Katy Shufelt (Peterborough Cycling Club)
DNS Andrea Kausel (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club)
DNS Katie Silcox (Bateman's Bike Co.)
Women (CWE)
1 Katie Ozolins (Independent) 0:50:17
2 Andrea Burley (Bateman's Bike Co.) at 1:40
3 Pauline Beaupre (Bateman's Bike Co.) 4:57
4 Meg Siegel (Lantern Rouge) -1 lap
5 Sylvie De Brabandere (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club) -1 lap
6 Stephanie Au (Bikes On wheels) -1 lap
7 Jessica Darling (Highgate Racing p/b D'Ornellas Bike Shop) -1 lap
8 Valina Sintal (Bateman's Bike Co.) -1 lap
9 Stephanie Rankin (Shack Pack Cycling Club) -1 lap
10 Marilyn Chong (Bateman's Bike Co.) -1 lap
11 Emma Dahan- Meyboom (Independent) -1 lap
12 Christina Peters (Bateman's Bike Co.) -2 laps
13 Lia Codrington (Independent) -2 laps
DNF Cassandra Mcwade (Giant Toronto/Liv pb Powerwatts)
DNF Erin Faulds (Peterborough Cycling Club)
DNS April Cockshutt (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club)
Men (CME)
1 Erik Box (VéloColour) 1:00:09
2 Corey Brioschi (North Hub Bike Shop) at 0:57
3 James Fedosov (Speed River Bicycle) 1:39
4 Luke Hlavenka (North Hub Bike Shop) 2:07
5 David Mccaig (Urbane Cyclist) 2:17
6 Connor Gregory (Bateman's Bike Co.) 4:09
7 Mitch Kaiser (Lantern Rouge) 4:47
8 Stephen Kirby (Morning Glory Cycling Club) 5:45
9 Andrew Bradbury (Blacksmith Cycle Club) 5:54
10 Peter Morse (Mariposa Cycle Racing Team) 5:55
11 Ayal Rahat (KindHuman Bicycles) 6:21
12 Bret Waghorne (Bateman's Bike Co.) 6:33
13 Anderson Reid (Lantern Rouge) 7:47
14 Jacob Williams (Lantern Rouge) 9:04
DNF Marshall Eidinger (Mariposa Cycle Racing Team)
DNF Jacques Cormier (Midweek Cycling Club)
DNS Scott Fitzgerald (Mariposa Cycle Racing Team)
DNS Cameron Jette (Independent)
Men (CM1)
1 Tim Gale (Waterloo Cycling Club) 1:03:18
2 Jamie Sprules (Morning Glory Cycling Club) at 1:18
3 Mark Brusso (LapDogs Cycling Club) 5:58
DNF Noah Rosen (VéloColour)
Men (CMJ)
1 Rohan Mehta (Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team) 1:07:27
Men (CSSM)
1 Matthew Zammit (Elite Health Racing) 0:58:16
2 Scott Elliott (Midweek Cycling Club) at 0:20
3 Scott Laliberte (La Bicicletta Cycling Club) 3:40
4 Adrian Chao (Urbane Cyclist) -1 lap
5 Mike Spagnola (Bateman's Bike Co.) -1 lap
6 Jonathon Feasby (Independent) -1 lap
DNF Ayrton Dick (Ascent Cycling)
Men (CM2)
1 Alex Sanchez (LapDogs Cycling Club) 0:53:54
2 David Coughlin (VéloColour) at s.t.
3 Edgars Apse (Blacksmith Cycle Club) 1:01
4 Kevin Mahood (Giant Toronto/Liv pb Powerwatts) 2:02
5 Richard Bowers (LapDogs Cycling Club) 3:58
6 Bruce Day (Beaches Cycling Club(BCC)) 4:37
7 Michael Mcmahon (Morning Glory Cycling Club) 6:56
8 Bob Haufler (Midweek Cycling Club) -1 lap
9 Jason Rodrigues (Lantern Rouge) -1 lap
DNF Galen Kennedy (Bateman's Bike Co.)
DNF Neil Ireland (Independent)
DNF Pary Bell (Mariposa Cycle Racing Team)
DNF Andrew Buzzell (FITWORKS)
DNS Marcus Boyle (LapDogs Cycling Club)
DNS Stephen Gregory (Independent)
DNS Michael Breault (Independent)
Men (CM3)
1 Robert Bateman (Bateman's Bike Co.) 0:53:11
2 Bronson Patychuk (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club) at 3:17
3 James Keezer (Bateman's Bike Co.) 4:33
4 Tyler Ramsbottom (Bateman's Bike Co.) 5:19
5 Jacob Mitchell (Waterloo Cycling Club) 5:48
6 Hinkel Yeung (Bateman's Bike Co.) 7:55
7 Alexander Mazanik (Bateman's Bike Co.) 7:55
8 Enrico Traini (Kallisto-FCV p/b Peloton Contracting) -1 lap
9 Bernhard Isopp (Bateman's Bike Co.) -1 lap
DNS Stephen Cooley (Duke's Cycle Race Team)
DNS Alex James (KHS/Apollo Cycling)
Men (CMU17)
1 Oscar Clark (North Hub Bike Shop) 53:08
2 Emanuel Seganfreddo (Independent) -1 lap
Men (CM4)
1 Edmund Heung (LapDogs Cycling Club) 0:39:53
2 Brook Smith (LapDogs Cycling Club) at 0:11
3 Bevin Reith (LapDogs Cycling Club) 1:18
4 Marc Kell Whitehead (VéloColour) 1:22
5 Robin Olsen (Morning Glory Cycling Club) 1:23
6 Jonathan Caners (Morning Glory Cycling Club) 1:25
7 Phil Torres (LapDogs Cycling Club) 2:03
8 David Clark (True Grit Cycling) 2:04
9 Matthew Pioro (Canadian Cycling Magazine) 2:05
10 Colin Matthews (VéloColour) 2:44
11 Mike Clark (Bikes On wheels) 3:28
12 Scott Murison (Independent) 3:42
13 Sam Cohen (Canadian Cycling Magazine) 3:47
14 Russell Slater (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club) 3:50
15 Michael Ma (Independent) 3:59
16 Arjan Stroomberg (Morning Glory Cycling Club) 4:12
17 Antonio Kazulin (Bateman's Bike Co.) 4:13
18 Neil Walker-Wells (Independent) 4:25
19 Paul Bradbury (Blacksmith Cycle Club) 4:27
20 Kevin Brown (Morning Glory Cycling Club) 4:37
21 Matthew Bucci (LapDogs Cycling Club) 4:38
22 Jason Williams (Bateman's Bike Co.) 5:00
23 Jason Chai-Onn (Ciclowerks - Smile Tiger C.R.) 5:18
24 Tiago Varella-Cid (Cycle Solutions) 5:33
25 Mike Chalovich (LapDogs Cycling Club) 6:37
26 Dave Ogilvie (Beaches Cycling Club(BCC)) 6:42
27 Mike Callaghan (Bateman's Bike Co.) 6:51
28 Jeremy Bridge-Cook (Morning Glory Cycling Club) 6:55
29 Philip Robinson (Independent) 7:03
30 Paul Duren (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club) 7:03
31 Warren Hoffner (Lantern Rouge) 7:17
32 Chris Carper (Independent) 7:19
33 Mike Mcinnis (Midweek Cycling Club) 7:22
34 Grant Edmonds (Bateman's Bike Co.) 7:59
35 Mike Spagnola (Bateman's Bike Co.) 8:15
36 Barry Cox (LapDogs Cycling Club) 8:17
37 Jonathan Warkentin (LapDogs Cycling Club) 8:29
38 Moise Bensimon (CIRCA Bicycle Company) 8:29
39 Gary Kennedy (Morning Glory Cycling Club) 9:01
40 Dennis Fong (Ciclowerks - Smile Tiger C.R.) 9:10
41 Will Wong (Bateman's Bike Co.) 9:21
42 Rick Otway (LapDogs Cycling Club) 9:23
43 Ed Vanpuymbroeck (Independent) 9:29
44 David Denduk (Hamilton Cycling Club) 9:53
45 Shawn Ruff (Bateman's Bike Co.) -1 lap
46 Pedro Caraballo (Full Throttle Cycling Club) -1 lap
47 Eugene Winer (Independent) -1 lap
48 Adam Pickard (Bikes On wheels) -1 lap
49 David Bibic (Midweek Cycling Club) -1 lap
50 Fred Bergen (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team) -1 lap
51 Don Gilroy (Lantern Rouge) -1 lap
52 Jonathon Feasby (Independent) -1 lap
53 Darryl Pon (Ciclowerks - Smile Tiger C.R.) -1 lap
54 Sanjay Gandhi (Ciclowerks - Smile Tiger C.R.) -1 lap
55 Helder Gameiro (Independent) -1 lap
56 Andre Choquet (Independent) -1 lap
57 Andy Zarzycki (Lantern Rouge) -1 lap
58 Clark Seadon (Beaches Cycling Club(BCC)) -2 laps
DNF Julian Simpson (Bikes On wheels)
DNF Kevin Tuohy (Morning Glory Cycling Club)
DNF Derek Stadnicki (LapDogs Cycling Club)
DNS Marius Podaru (Morning Glory Cycling Club)
DNS Blair Zaritsky (Morning Glory Cycling Club)
DNS Dan Bandurka (LapDogs Cycling Club)
DNS Ian Ptolemy (LapDogs Cycling Club)
Men (CM4)
1 Shawn Hill (LapDogs Cycling Club) 0:40:59
2 Mitch Harris (Shack Pack Cycling Club) at 0:42
3 Stephen Lake (Waterloo Cycling Club) 0:49
4 Matt Norman (Independent) 0:56
5 Ryan Kent (Bikes On wheels) 1:01
6 Fraser Mccallum (Bikes On wheels) 1:05
7 Kevin Bowker (Morning Glory Cycling Club) 1:48
8 Michael Svendsen (Independent) 2:11
9 Samuel Dahan-Meyboom (Bateman's Bike Co.) 2:28
10 Brendan Bar (Bateman's Bike Co.) 2:41
11 Peter Wen (UofT MTB) 3:00
12 Patrick Clancy (Bikes On wheels) 3:05
13 Markus Rummel (Elite Health Racing) 3:07
14 Andrew Lambert (Waterloo Cycling Club) 3:27
15 Jody Brown (Urbane Cyclist) 3:40
16 Tim Anema (Independent) 4:15
17 Matthew Lawson (Bikes On wheels) 4:20
18 Harrison Boyce (Milton Bicycle Club) 4:21
19 Nick Iwanyshyn (Lantern Rouge) 4:40
20 Vince Liew (Morning Glory Cycling Club) 4:55
21 Keenan Brookes (Lantern Rouge) 5:25
22 Jamie Vrooman (VéloColour) 5:45
23 Zachary Barwin (Sweet Pete's) 5:51
24 Alex Fortuna (Urbane Cyclist) 6:03
25 Daniel Walker (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club) 6:06
26 Kim Vo (Bateman's Bike Co.) 6:37
27 Alex Baravyan-Gauthier (Lantern Rouge) 6:37
28 Aidan Hopkins (Dark Horse Flyers Cycling Club) 7:06
29 Benjamin Eagan (Independent) 7:32
30 Mike Costa (Bateman's Bike Co.) 9:22
31 Matthew Randall (Independent) 9:28
32 Dex Prondorszley (Independent) 9:28
33 Christopher Hoy (LapDogs Cycling Club) 10:37
34 Jeff Deegan (Independent) -1 lap
35 Kris Hernandez (The Cycling Gym) -1 lap
36 Justin Van Der Leest (Bikes On wheels) -1 lap
37 Jason Smith (Midweek Cycling Club) -1 lap
38 Donald Pyper (Independent) -1 lap
39 Gavin Brauer (KindHuman Bicycles) -1 lap
40 Ilan Rotenberg (Independent) -1 lap
DNF Christopher Rowley (Fitwin Cycling Team)
DNS Brian Chou (Independent)
Women (CWU13)
1 Ruby Jardeleza-Toole (Blacksmith Cycle Club) 0:28:33
2 Sia Mehta (Independent) at 7:28
Women (CWU15)
1 Charlotte Nelson (Midweek Cycling Club) 0:33:41
2 Jett Jardeleza-Toole (Blacksmith Cycle Club) at 2:13
Men (CMU13)
1 Bas Stroomberg (Morning Glory Cycling Club) 0:27:21
2 Connor Mcinnis (Midweek Cycling Club) at 0:42
3 Augustus De Groote (Bateman's Bike Co.) 1:03
4 Dominic Cornacchia (Independent) 8:33
5 Carlyle De Groote (Bateman's Bike Co.) 11:36
DNS Stryder Bell (Mariposa Cycle Racing Team)
Men (CMU15)
1 William Bibic (Midweek Cycling Club) 0:28:18
2 Rohan Mehta (Centurion Next Wave Cycling Team) at 1:09
3 Stefano Fiore - Seganfreddo (Independent) 7:19
4 Benen Macewen (Kallisto-FCV p/b Peloton Contracting) 7:40


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