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November 25/17 13:48 pm - New Alliance to Develop Youth Racing in GTA

Posted by Editor on 11/25/17

The LapDogs Cycling Club is partnering with Kallisto FCV p/b Peloton Contracting to provide GTA [Greater Toronto Area] youth the opportunity to learn, have fun, and be supported in the sport of bike racing. Kallisto FCV is one of the most successful youth road and track race teams in Canada and offers a depth of experience and support well beyond what's available in most cycling clubs.

This alliance will focus on creating additional racing and training options for youth in the GTA, develop more youth coaches, identify and engage potential youth racers and enhance youth bicycle racing in Ontario by building a strong sense of community for youth, coaches and their families.

Currently, Kallisto operates out of London and the Kitchener/Waterloo area, with riders hailing from many parts of Southern Ontario.

"Creating more opportunities to get youth out on their bikes in the GTA is incredibly important for the health of our sport and community. The LapDogs are very enthusiastic about partnering with Kallisto FCV and the support and resources they have to offer," said Michael Cranwell, President of LapDogs Cycling Club.

This program aims to start the 2018 season by ensuring that GTA youth are as well supported in their training and racing as their peers in other Ontario cities.

"Kallisto FCV has a lot to offer a young person, as a youth-focused race and development team. By partnering with the LapDogs, we can introduce more GTA youth to our sport and make sure they are well looked after. Our teams have worked together informally over the last two years and this alliance will take it to the next level," said Art Adams, Head Coach, Kallisto FCV p/b Peloton Contracting.

For more information, visit


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