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March 29/18 11:33 am - Cycling Education Delivery Design Workshop (Ontario)

Posted by Editor on 03/29/18

On Monday, April 16th, Share the Road will be hosting a pre-summit workshop focused on the future of cycling education. This workshop is supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. It will feature opening remarks from The Honourable Daiene Vernile, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport and a keynote address by representatives of the Bikeability program in the United Kingdom. Workshop participants will also be engaged in a hands-on discussion to inform how a new provincial standard for cycling education can most effectively be rolled out across Ontario.

This workshop is complementary for everyone who wants to attend. Spaces are limited (and lunch is provided) so please register online in advance. If you have already registered for the Ontario Bike Summit, you will have received details on how to sign up for the workshop in your confirmation email. If you are interested in attending but cannot attend the full summit, you can contact for details on how to sign up.


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