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Cycling 4 Women


June 8/19 7:52 am - Masters Road Championships ITT results

Posted by Editoress on 06/8/19

Results from the Masters Road Championships ITT, held in Victoria BC on June 7th

Master Men 40-49, 17.5 km Time             
1 Matt Usborne (PenderFund b/b Neighborhood Holdings) 0:21:37.6 0:00:00.0
2 Chris Mcneil (Soul Sportif) 0:21:39.1 0:00:01.5
3 Vincent Marcotte (Langlois Brown Racing) 0:22:10.7 0:00:33.1
4 Jeffrey Werner (Langlois Brown Racing) 0:22:14.0 0:00:36.4
5 Glenn Harris (Deadgoat racing) 0:22:29.0 0:00:51.4
6 Tristen Chernove (Langlois Brown Racing) 0:23:41.1 0:02:03.5
7 Dave Trill (Victoria Wheelers) 0:23:45.7 0:02:08.1
8 James Sage (Rock City Cycles) 0:24:23.7 0:02:46.1
DNF Gary Koschel (United Velo)
DNS Wade Luksay (Riverway Dental Racing)
DNS Stephen White (Triple Shot)
Master Men 60+, 17.5 km
1 Stéphane Lebeau (Independent - Opus) 0:23:47.4 0:00:00.0
2 Robert Anderson (CAL-NAT'S Racing) 0:23:53.2 0:00:05.8
3 Andrew Neale (Tripleshot Cycling Club) 0:24:05.0 0:00:17.6
4 Andre Binette (Independent) 0:24:26.0 0:00:38.6
5 David Johnston (United Ride Club) 0:24:59.1 0:01:11.7
6 Chris Cameron (Mid Island Velo Association) 0:25:02.1 0:01:14.7
7 David Wallin (Escape Velocity) 0:26:16.1 0:02:28.7
8 Glen Budgell (Independent) 0:26:42.7 0:02:55.3
9 Michael Adams (Nelson Cycling Club) 0:26:49.7 0:03:02.3
10 David Watson (Velocity Cycling Club) 0:27:00.6 0:03:13.2
11 Paul Mitchell (Escape Velocity) 0:27:31.1 0:03:43.7
12 John Alexander (Independent) 0:28:05.1 0:04:17.7
13 James Holtz (Independent) 0:28:38.5 0:04:51.1
DNS Willem Vandenberg (Whistler Cycling Club)
DNS Sean O'mahony (Sean O'Mahony)
Master Women 30-39, 17.5 km
1 Jennifer Bell (Thunder Bay Cycling Club) 0:25:07.0 0:00:00.0
2 élodie Berthelier (Powerwatts/Planète-Courrier) 0:25:52.7 0:00:45.7
3 Samantha Hoft (Wheelers) 0:26:01.2 0:00:54.2
4 Michelle Arduini (Liv Cycling Vancouver) 0:28:55.2 0:03:48.2
5 Amanda Mcrae (Independent) 0:29:53.0 0:04:46.0
Master Women 40-49, 17.5 km
1 Debra Parker (Watt Riot Cycling) 0:25:30.0 0:00:00.0
2 Haley Block (Watt Riot Cycling) 0:27:35.0 0:02:05.0
3 Colleen Malcolm (Velocity Cycling Club) 0:27:58.9 0:02:28.9
4 Annette Przygoda (Independent) 0:32:09.0 0:06:39.0
Master Women 50-59, 17.5 km
1 Heather Simonson (Independent) 0:24:30.8 0:00:00.0
2 Gisele St.Hilaire (Gisele St. Hilaire) 0:26:33.2 0:02:02.4
3 Gail Wozny (Juventus) 0:26:36.6 0:02:05.8
4 Christine Koschel (United Velo) 0:28:18.5 0:03:47.7
5 Donna Stokes (Independent) 0:31:11.5 0:06:40.7
DNS Gin Gin (Escape Velocity)
Master Women 60+, 17.5 km
1 Barbara Morris (Escape Velocity) 0:28:01.5 0:00:00.0
2 Jane Weller (TAG RACING TEAM) 0:32:39.2 0:04:37.7
Master Men 30-39, 17.5 km
1 John Vanderveen (River City Cycle Club) 0:21:58.8 0:00:00.0
2 Matt Webb (Glotman Simpson Cycling) 0:22:53.4 0:00:54.6
3 Andrew Mccartney (Victoria Breakaway Cycling Club) 0:23:02.9 0:01:04.1
4 Elijah Buffalo (Independent) 0:23:03.0 0:01:04.2
5 Michael Gavelis (HPL Cycling) 0:23:23.4 0:01:24.6
6 David Dallin (Victoria Breakaway Cycling Club) 0:24:23.0 0:02:24.2
7 Marc Doucette (Independent) 0:25:10.5 0:03:11.7
DNS Nick Rowe (Victoria Breakaway Cycling Club)
DNS Jesse Klassen (Independent)
Master Men 50-59, 17.5 km
1 David Gazsi (Hammer/53X11) 0:21:42.7 0:00:00.0
2 David Albert (PowerWatts/Planète Courrier) 0:22:33.4 0:00:50.7
3 Ron Amos (Hammer/53x11) 0:22:38.9 0:00:56.2
4 Ian Scott (Wheels of Bloor/Autostyle Collision) 0:22:41.6 0:00:58.9
5 Don Larsen (Spoke Bike and Ski) 0:22:52.7 0:01:10.0
6 Graham Clarke (PenderFund p/b Neighbourhood Holdings) 0:22:53.6 0:01:10.9
7 John Vandervliet (Comox Valley Cycling club) 0:23:01.9 0:01:19.2
8 Neil Hodgson (Prince George) 0:23:11.6 0:01:28.9
9 Mick Bryson (Victoria Breakaway) 0:23:12.0 0:01:29.3
10 Alan Sutherland (Central Alberta Bicycle Club) 0:23:48.1 0:02:05.4
11 Paul O'Callaghan (Victoria Breakaway) 0:23:53.3 0:02:10.6
12 Andrew Attwell (Victoria Breakaway Cycling) 0:23:58.9 0:02:16.2
13 James Kendal (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club) 0:24:11.4 0:02:28.7
14 David Lyall (United Velo) 0:24:45.2 0:03:02.5
15 Neil Forrest (Tripleshot Cycling) 0:24:48.3 0:03:05.6
16 Steve Mckay (Escape Velocity p/b Fortius) 0:25:19.5 0:03:36.8
17 Rui Batista (Independent) 0:26:39.8 0:04:57.1


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