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June 8/19 20:52 pm - Masters Road Titles Awarded on Saturday

Posted by Editoress on 06/8/19

It takes a gambler's mentality to make a break on Victoria's gruelling Motus Cycling Classic course. That's why at Saturday's 2019 Canadian Masters Road Cycling Championships, the 40-49 category mens did not want to show their cards.

"Everyone had their poker face on," said Langlois Brown Racing's Jeffrey Werner, who had just a few drops of gas in the tank to sprint to the Canadian Masters Road Cycling Championship title. "I kept looking around - he's not hurting...he's not hurting."

"I don't like leaving it to a sprint, but we had no choice," he said. "Everyone brought their A-Game." Werner credited teammate David Gerth for keeping the pack at bay in the final stretch and force them to chase him down on the final sprint."

Second place went to Pender Racing p/b Neighourhood's Jon Bula and third place went to Morning Glory Cycling Club's Gregory Moore - all three podium finishers completing the 110K course in 3:06:39.

Local rider Samantha Holt of the Victoria Wheelers was crowned the 2019 Canadian Masters Road Cycling Championship W30-39 winner after crossing the finish line of the 70K course in 2:32:15. With little training on the Metchosin hills, Holt credited her work on cornering rather than course familiarity for her victory.

She did admit she needed to work on counting laps. "On the last (10K) lap, I thought I had three more to go," she said. Luckily, she took heed of her three-woman lead pack to put up another piece of hardware after finishing third in the time trial. "I moved up the podium," she smiled.

In the men's 50-59 race, Toronto's Steve McKee, riding for Wheels of Bloor / Autostyle Collision, had a bit of fright with three laps to go in his 90K race after hearing a few riders behind him knock wheels, sending McKee into a solo break.

"What am I doing? I'm a sprinter!" he thought after waiting for the bunch and then deciding he had to go it alone. This sent him on his way to crossing the line first in 2:33:54 in front of United Velo's Scott Goguen (2:35:35) and Fulgas Cycling Team's Richard Loney (2:36:13).

In the men's 30-39 category, Victoria Wheelers Cycling Club's Clayton Hiltz had a lot of hometown help - winning the title after finishing the 110K course in 3:07:12. In the second to last lap, Hiltz, Taylor Little (PenderFund p/b Neighbourhood Holdings) and Richard Costello (Steed Cycles) battled in a three-man break with Victoria Wheelers Brent Dallimore closely behind.

But it was another teammate, fifth-place finisher Andrew Russell that assured Hiltz's win. "Andrew worked at the front for quite a while and that really helped," he said.

In the men's 60+ race, Victoria Breakaway Cycling rider Barry Beck appeared ready to share his winner's jersey with the teammate that got him across the line first. He credited and dedicated his victory to third-place finisher Garth Campbell who is just back on the bike after breaking ribs and his collarbone while racing in Europe.

The field split in the first few laps with a pack of 9 to 10 riders staying together for the rest of the 70K race. Beck surged ahead of Independent - Opus rider Stéphane LeBeau - winner of the time trial on Friday - in the final metre to take the victory in 2:014:07. "It was nip and tuck," Beck said.

Victoria's TripleShot Cycling Club's Heather Simonson added another piece of hardware to her 2019 Canadian Masters Cycling Championship gold medal collection, taking the victory in the 50-59 womens race while pretty much riding solo the entire 70K race.

Other Canadian Masters Cycling Champions crowned: Watt Riot Cycling Debra Parker (40-49); and Victoria's Hillerie Denning (60+).

Courtesy Sharon White, Robert W. Cameron Law Cycling Series



Results from the Masters Road Championships Road Races, held in Victoria BC

Master Men 40-49
1 Jeffrey Werner (Langlois Brown Racing)
2 Jon Bula (Pender Racing p/b Neighbourhood Holdings) 3:06:39
3 Gregory Moore (Morning Glory Cycling Club) 3:06:39
4 Brian Green (Victoria Wheelers) 3:06:39
5 Matt Usborne (PenderFund p/b Neighbourhood Holdings) 3:06:46
6 Gabriel Reid (Independent) 3:06:46
7 Jeff Kowalenko (Peloton Racing p/b Momentum Cycling) 3:06:46
8 Matthew Van Nostrand (Fulgas) 3:06:46
9 David Gerth (Langlois Brown Racing) 3:06:46
10 Michael Berkeley (Steed Cycles) 3:06:46
11 Dominic Chalifoux (Cycles Regis/ 360 Agency) 3:06:46
12 Eric Hung (Steed Cycles) 3:06:46
13 Peter Mogg (Mid Island Velo Association) 3:06:52
14 Stephane Tran (Victoria Wheelers) 3:06:52
15 glenn Harris (deadgoat racing) 3:06:56
16 Dan Schmit (Pender Racing) 3:07:11
17 David Johnson (Pender P/B Neighbourhood Holdings) 3:07:11
18 Andrew Haughian (Pender Racing P/B Neighbourhood Holdings) 3:09:05
19 Eugene Hahn (Eugene Hahn) 3:12:14
20 Daniel Wilson (Riverway Dental Racing) 3:12:45
21 Jean-Francois Blais (Cycles Regis/360 Agency) 3:15:54
22 Nathan Walsh (Riverway Dental Racing) 3:15:54
23 Scott Manktelow (Riverway Dental Racing) 3:15:54
DNF Brandon Archer (Red Devils Cycling Academy)
DNF Wayne Bradford (United Velo)
DNF Dean Broomham (Langlois Brown Racing)
DNF Tristen Chernove (Langlois Brown Racing)
DNF Louis Dufour (Cycles Régis / 360Agency)
DNF David Dulude (Independent)
DNF Greg Dycke (bicisport)
DNF Graham Fox (Pender Racing p/b Neighbourhood Holdings)
DNF Vincent Marcotte (Langlois Brown Racing)
DNF Chris Mcneil (Soul Sportif)
DNF Eric Pare (Cycle Regis/360 AGENCY)
DNF Michael Wegner (Langlois Brown Racing)
DNF Jonathan Wood (Langlois Brown Racing)
DNF Quin Anderson (Mighty Cycling)
DNS Paul Beard (Langlois Brown Racing)
DNS Wade Luksay (Riverway Dental Racing)
Master Women, 30-39
1 Samantha Hoft (Victoria Wheelers) 2:32:15
2 Jennifer Bell (Thunder Bay Cycling Club) 2:41:55
3 élodie Berthelier (Independent) 2:42:02
Master Women 40-49
1 Debra Parker (Watt Riot Cycling) 2:32:03
2 Chantal Gosselin (Polo Vélo Women Racing Team) 2:32:16
3 Haley Block (Watt Riot) 2:41:58
4 Sonia Utting (Velo Cafe) 2:42:16
Shawna Donaldson (Synergy Racing)
DNF Colleen Malcolm (Velocity Cycling Club)
DNF Tammy Nishimura (Peloton Racing p/b Momentum Cycling)
Master Women 50-59
1 Heather Simonson (Independent) 2:32:18
2 Dawn Heinemeyer (Calgary Crankmasters Cycling Club) 2:38:42
3 Kelly Erdman (54Blue) 2:38:51
4 Carol Deavy (Polo Velo) 2:41:56
Master Women 60-69
1 Hillerie Denning (Independent) 2:35:14.7
2 Jane Weller (TAG RACING TEAM) -1 Lap
Master Men 60-69
1 Barry Beck (Victoria Breakaway) 2:14:07
2 Stéphane Lebeau (Independent - Opus) 2:14:07
3 Garth Campbell (Victoria Breakaway Cycling) 2:14:07
4 Danny Lowndes (Procity Cycling) 2:14:07
5 Chris Cameron (Mid Island Velo Association) 2:14:07
6 Andrew Neale (Tripleshot Cycling Club) 2:14:18
7 Robert Anderson (CAL-NAT'S Racing) 2:15:18
8 Sylvan Adams (PowerWATTS/Planete-Courrier) 2:28:39
9 Andre Binette (Independent) 2:33:27
10 David Watson (Velocity Cycling Club) 2:33:29
11 David Wallin (Escape Velocity) 2:33:48
12 John Alexander (Independent) -1 Lap
13 Rick Clavir (B1Evo) -1 Lap
14 Glen Budgell (Independent) -1 Lap
15 Ken Erdman (54 Blue) -1 Lap
16 Michael Adams (Nelson Cycling Club) -1 Lap
DNF Ken Germaine (Juventus CC)
DNF Edward Heacock (Velocity Cycling Club)
DNF David Johnston (United Ride Club)
DNF Darcy Thompson (Collingwood Cycling club)
DNS Sean O'mahony (Independent)
DNS Willem Vandenberg (Whistler Cycling Club)
Master Men 30-39
1 Clayton Hiltz (Victoria Wheelers Cycling Club) 3:07:12
2 Taylor Little (PenderFund p/b Neighbourhood Holdings) 3:07:13
3 Richard Costello (Steed Cycles) 3:07:14
4 Brent Dallimore (Victoria Wheelers) 3:08:33
5 Andrew Russell (Victoria Wheelers) 3:11:11
6 Paul Moffat (Pender p/b Neighbourhood Holdings) 3:11:12
7 Nick Friesen (Masters 30-39) 3:11:32
8 Brett Boniface (Victoria Breakaway Cycling) 3:11:41
9 Steven Van Knotsenburg (Independent) 3:13:56
DNF Elijah Buffalo (Victoria Breakaway Cycling Club)
DNF Andrew Mccartney (Victoria Breakaway Cycling Club)
DNF Douglas Merrick (Independent)
DNF Nick Rowe (Victoria Breakaway Cycling Club)
DNS David Dallin (Victoria Breakaway Cycling Club)
DNS Dougal Owen (bicisport)
Master Men 50-59
1 Steve Mckee (Wheels of Bloor / AutoStyle Collision) 2:33:54
2 Scott Goguen (United Velo) 2:35:35
3 Richard Loney (Fulgas Cycling Team) 2:36:13
4 David Gazsi (Hammer/53X11) 2:36:21
5 Chris Worsfold (Hewdog Racing) 2:36:23
6 Maurice Worsfold (Hewdog Racing) 2:36:25
7 Ron Amos (Hammer/53x11) 2:36:28
8 Chris Squire (PenderFund p/b Neighbourhood Holdings) 2:36:33
9 Matt Brown (Fulgas) 2:36:38
10 Mark Sherman (Langlois Brown Racing) 2:36:46
11 Greg Cote (Rundle Mountain Cycling Club) 2:45:22
12 Bart Gould (Steed Cycles) 2:45:26
13 Gary Macgregor (Riverway Dental Racing) 2:46:56
14 Emil Marcetta (V02Min) 2:51:33
15 William Armstrong (Interior Grasslands Cycling Club) 2:58:49
DNF Steve Mckay (Escape Velocity p/b Fortius) 2:43:14
DNF David Albert (PowerWatts/Planète Courrier)
DNF Albert Chan (United Velo)
DNF Stéphane Dodier (Cannondale Echelon p/b 4iiii)
DNF Tim Friesen (Fast Old Guys)
DNF James Kendal (James Kendal)
DNF Don Larsen (Spoke Bike and Ski)
DNF Roger Lee (Langlois Brown Racing)
DNF Ian Scott (Wheels of Bloor/Autostyle Collision)
DNF Alan Sutherland (Central Alberta Bicycle Club)
DNF John Vandervliet (Comox Valley Cycling club)
DNS James Ainsworth (Victoria Breakaway Cycling)
DNS Philippe Nadon (Velocity Cycling Club)
DNS Robert Savin (Bicisport)


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