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Cycling 4 Women


November 27/19 17:20 pm - Announces 2020 Roster

Posted by Editoress on 11/27/19

The Team is pleased to announce their roster and sponsors for 2020.  We are very pleased to have Garneau returning as Title Sponsor.  Other great sponsors include, North London Chiropractic, Cycles London, Lifemark Physiotherapy and Cathy Williams CPA, CA.

The team will race as a provincial trade team in 2020 with a mix of Road, Mountain, Track and MultiSport athletes. The team will contest races in Ontario, Quebec and some U.S. races. This will be the 19th year for the team and we hope to have another strong season in 2020.

Following are the Team riders and sponsors for 2020:

Joseph Balasch (U23 MTB)
Zach Konings (Senior Road)
Sarah McKenzie Picot (Senior Road/MTB)
Austyn Roseborough (Senior Multisport
Chris Durand (Masters MTB/Road)
Jeremy Girard (Masters MTB)
Josh Jenner (Masters MTB)
Wally Tykoliz (Masters MTB)
Anna Tykoliz (Masters MTB/ITT
Al Bennetto (Masters MTB)
Paul Micsko (Masters MTB)
Brad Nicol (Masters Road)
Heather Dart (Masters Triathlon)
Simon Aldridge (Masters Road/Duathlon)
Ted Velikonja (Masters Road)
Doug Jamieson (Masters Road)
Ryan Phelps (Masters Road)
Greg Wilkinson (Masters Road)
Moe O’Hare (Masters MTB/Cross
Craig Vedova (Endurance MTB)
Cathy Williams (Duathlon/Running/Cyclo-cross)
Glen MacDonald (Multisport)
Chris Helwig (Duathlon/Running)
James Delodder (Duathlon/Running)
Jenny Townsend (Running)

2019 Sponsors Endurance Coaching
Garneau Bikes and Apparel
Lifemark Physiotherapy Physio and Rehabilitation
Cycles London Bike Shop
Cathy Williams CPA, CA Accounting & Tax Service
North London Chiropractic Chiropractic & Massage


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