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March 12/20 12:22 pm - Triathlon Canada Warns Athletes of Travel Risks

Posted by Editoress on 03/12/20

Triathlon Canada has circulated a letter warning its athletes that their insurance coverage will no longer cover athletes abroad, due to the coronavirus pandemic. This means that unless athletes carry personal travel insurance that continues to cover them in the current situation, the organization will withdraw them from start lists and not register them for upcoming events. They are also 'strongly recommending' that athletes competing or thinking of competing internationally should return to Canada as soon as possible and not plan any international travel until further notice.

We reached out to Cycling Canada, and were told that they have already cancelled a couple of national team projects, and are meeting tomorrow to determine travel recommendations going forward. We are told they should have a statement before the weekend.

Besides national team projects, there is also the opening round of the Mountain Bike Canada Cup in Victoria, B.C., on March 28th. The national team, including potential Olympic athletes are still scheduled to attend at this point.


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