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August 6/20 16:30 pm - Cross on the Rock 2020 Season Cancelled (B.C.)

Posted by Editoress on 08/6/20

Organizers of the long-running 'Cross On the Rock (COTR) cyclo-cross series held on Vancouver Island have announced that it will be cancelled for the 2020 season, due to the coronavirus pandemic. In a statement:

Unfortunately, the 2020 COTR season has been cancelled.

In a perfect world we would be gluing tubulars and thinking about tire choices for the first race of the season.  We would be starting to ride our cross bikes a bit more.  Thinking about ordering team kit (as usual a bit too late).  Riding dirt (everyone is doing that so that part is great).  All gearing up for the start of the 15th Cross on the Rock race season.

But WAY back in March we realized that at some point we might be making an announcement about this season being cancelled due to the global pandemic.  We wanted to hold off JUST in case the virus burnt itself out over the summer.  We wanted to be optimists and we REALLY wanted a race season!!

There is no "Modified" format or "virtual" equivalent of Cross on the Rock.  The racing happens in "groups".  It is wheel to wheel.  It is an 80 person grid jammed into a close area.  It is a community of people coming together and having a great time.  Little of this can be done without heavy breathing!  Little of it can be done 2 meters apart. Honestly if we want to be safe we don't want to be racing cyclocross right much as we want to!

More importantly, we  can not get insurance.  Cycling BC will not sanction cyclocross right now.

No, we do not have a crystal balls. There is no set timeline for the safe return of our type of racing.  When our beloved Bonnie Henry [B.C. provincial health officer] says it is time to go to "Phase 4" we can start thinking about a gathering our community back together.  Let's be honest this might not happen in 2021 or even 2022. But we will get there and we will be ready.

In the meantime don't lose the stoke.

Get out there.  Get together safely with people in your bubble.  Outside.  On bikes, hiking, running, going to the lakes and rivers.  Explore the island!!  This is the time to do it.

Enjoy this fall in a different way than how we normally do it.

Please realize we are gutted about this but it will be OK.


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