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August 17/20 12:28 pm - Tripleshot CrossFondo Receives Public Health Approval (B.C.)

Posted by Editor on 08/17/20

Vancouver Island's Tripleshot CrossFondo has been given the green light to hold the 2020 event by both the Health Protection and Environmental Services of Island Health and the Vancouver Island Tech Park. The plan submitted by organizers has met the requirements and recommendations for the safe operation of the event. This means the event will take place on Sunday, October 18th for the 5th Annual Tripleshot CrossFondo.

Register Here

There will be modifications to this year's TSCF, including:

• Individual Time Trial format (your predicted riding speed submitted in your registration will help determine the start list; if you rode last year, take results from Tripleshot or Doubleshot distances. For those who registered pre-Covid, your registration can be updated with your time from 2019; if you did NOT ride in 2019, you will be contacted you regarding your predicted riding speed.

• Maximum 50 people (riders + volunteers) at the start/finish area at any given time; controlled access to the start chute

• Volunteers will be masked and practicing physical distancing

• Hand washing stations at access points and port-a-potty sites

• Sanitized surfaces and physical distancing throughout the start/finish area and at nutrition/water stations. No-touch bottle filling.

• Distanced parking near the start/finish

• Tasty musette lunch to enjoy away from the start/finish area

• Team size will be restricted to max four riders (grandparent clause applies for those three teams that registered pre-COVID). The 10% savings still applies.

What won't change:

• Controlled crossings at major intersections

• Marshalls and nutrition/mechanical support on the route

• Tasty food and bevy to enjoy when you're done

• Bike timing chip to pick up in advance

• NO EVENT DAY REGISTRATION (pre-COVID it was announced that registration will close on Friday, October 9th, a full 8 days before the event to enable accurate planning)

• A once-a-year mystery route including many private property trails and surprises

• A need for awesome volunteers! A youth team parents (Charles Langlois' Mum Anick) will be contacting you if you've volunteered before. If you haven't and would like to, drop a line to!

Early Bird rates: 45+km @ $105, 25+km @ $85. Either distance for U16 riders at $45. Remember, team registrations of 4 riders receive a 10% discount.

In the event the pandemic conditions worsen and there is a requirement to postpone the event until 2021, the event will offer a refund (less service fees) or defer your entry to 2021.

Enjoy our great trail systems in these last few weeks of summer and wash your hands, keep your distance, wash your hands, wear a mask if you can't keep 2m away, wash your know the drill.


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