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September 2/20 9:39 am - Cycling BC Developing Phase 3 Return to Sport Plan

Posted by Editoress on 09/2/20

Cycling BC has announced that they will take a cautious approach in developing guidelines for Phase 3 of the Return to Sport:

On August 24th, viaSport announced the Province of British Columbia's move to Phase 3 of Return to Sport to 'Progressively Loosen' the types of organized sporting activities that can be engaged in, including those involving close proximity and competition. viaSport's Phase 3 Return to Sport Guidelines will help Cycling BC develop and update our own sport-specific Return to Sport Guidelines for the weeks and months ahead.

The introduction and implementation of Cycling BC's Return to Sport Guidelines under Phase 1 and 2, which started in June, has been successful without much incident over the summer months due in large part to the cooperation of our members, clubs, and the leadership of our board. While we are excited that we are able to move to Phase 3 and introduce new activities in our sport, our number one priority remains the health and safety of our members. Cycling BC will be taking a very conservative and cautious approach into this next phase.

We recognize the importance of re-introducing additional activities such as team training, high performance, racing and competition in our sport while at the same time realizing that BC is seeing a record-high spike in active Covid-19 cases, students and parents are preparing for a full return to school in September, and Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, advising that we prepare to slow down our social interactions heading into the fall season.

Taking all this into consideration, Cycling BC will be updating our Return to Sport Guidelines over the coming weeks to reflect the addition of any new activities allowed in Phase 3 and will do so in consultation with our stakeholders including member clubs, coaches, commissaires, and event organizers. Our aim is a return to cycling activities in a way that puts the health and safety of all participants as the top priority.


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