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February 18/22 10:18 am - Opening Round of XCO World Cup Still A Go

Posted by Editor on 02/18/22

This week the Brazilian city of Petropolis has suffered torrential rains and a series of mudslides, with over 100 dead so far, as rescue workers continue to search for survivors. Petropolis is scheduled to host the opening round for the XCO discipline of the Mountain Bike World Cup on April 8-10, roughly seven weeks away.

We contacted Simon Burney, the Off-road Consultant for the UCI, who oversees venues for World Cup events, to see if the natural disaster was going to impact the holding of the races. Burney told us that he had just returned from Petropolis, and that the venue was 35-40 kilometres from the main disaster area, and that organizers did not expect that the situation would affect them, and that they plan to go ahead as planned with the event.


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