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March 2/22 12:02 pm - Employment Opportunity - Community & Grassroots Developer (Ontario)

Posted by Editor on 03/2/22

The Ontario Cycling Association (OCA) is hiring for the position of Community & Grassroots Developer. The Community & Grassroots Developer reports to the Technical Manager and collaborates with the Sport Performance Director and Membership Manager on supporting the execution of Ontario Cycling's operational plan. The Community and Grassroots Developer will play a key role in both building cycling capacity and promoting the sport at the grassroots and community level. Working under the direction of the Technical Manager, they will be overseeing the administration, the planning and the delivery of cycling programs and activities such as HopOn, and NCCP Coaching Education.

The position is based at the Mattamy National Cycling Centre Velodrome in Milton, Ontario.

Organizational Scope
The Ontario Cycling Association (OCA) is the recognized authority by Cycling Canada on all aspects of cycling in Ontario, including, Mountain Bike, Cyclocross, Gravel, Para-Cycling, Road, Track and BMX. All staff is employed by the OCA to facilitate achievement of its long-term vision and planned annual targets. All personnel are required to operate within the policies and procedures as established by the Association's volunteer Board of Directors and are expected to act consistently with the Association's values.

The OCA receives financial contributions from the provincial government and other agencies, organizations, and corporate sponsors, and is accountable for the disbursement and reporting of funds according to the contracted terms and conditions. Programs, activities, and services are operated within the limitations established in an annual operating budget approved by the Board of Directors. OCA staff is responsible to manage and administer the Association's finances and provide administrative support for all Association activity.

Core Responsibilities
The Community & Grassroots Development Coordinator will support the operational objectives of Ontario Cycling with responsibilities in several key areas:

1. Manage the planning and coordination of all HopOn activities
2. Assist with the planning and coordination of HopOn activities
3. Oversee the annual planning and delivery of NCCP coaching courses, workshops, and seminars
4. Support Clubs/Teams with the implementation of HopOn
5. Liaise with the Marketing & Communications Specialist with regards to social media, the website and PR for programming
6. Manage stakeholders and partnerships with regards to HopOn, and Coaching Education
7. Serve as Ontario Cycling's direct liaison for HopOn, and Coaching Education
8. Support on-site event delivery by means of occasional presence at targeted events

Specific Responsibilities

Hop On Programming
Under the direction of the Technical Manager, implement the strategic expansion of HopOn Programming in Ontario:

• Host instructor training in-conjunction with Cycling Canada
• Ensure all instructors have the required training, certifications, and screening process in place
• Assist instructors in the promotion and coordination of programming and ensure all paperwork completed prior to and following programs
• Host instructor sharing and PD opportunities to strengthen support and improve overall delivery of programs
• Host and deliver a series of Hop On programs with focus on under-serviced areas and in- conjunction with key OCA activities or identified outreach opportunities
• Coordinate and support "Club Hop On" program, ensuring compliance with OCA agreements and delivery standards
• Ensure OCA and Hop On branding in in place and compliant with existing Cycling Canada agreements
• Ensure OCA website is updated with upcoming information and schedules relating to all Hop On activities
• Develop quarterly budgets and reports on all programming and submit proposals for expanded programming and targets
• Act as the primary contact for all Hop On inquiries

Community Capacity Development
Under the direction of the Technical Manager, coordinate NCCP programming including:

• Training and evaluation of Coach Developers
• Supporting coach navigation along the certification pathway
• Delivering NCCP courses on behalf of the OCA
• Coordinating and ensuring a robust schedule of NCCP courses throughout the year with consideration towards geographic reach and club needs
• Facilitate coach PD opportunities including webinars and coach conferences
• Coordinate mentorship opportunities including working with Team Ontario programming to support high performance coach development
• Launch official OCA Ride Leader Training program
• Update existing program and materials
• Establish process for training and developing instructors
• Host Ride Leader Training in key regions of the province
• Prepare budgets and reports for coach relating programming and activities
• Other duties as assigned


• University or college degree in Sport Management, Event Management, Recreation Management, or equivalent experience
• Proven experience in Sport or Event Management with minimum 3 years' experience in a similar role
• NCCP Introduction to Competition Certified or demonstrated commitment to obtaining certification (preferred)
• NCCP Coach Developer Trained and understanding of the coach development pathway (preferred)
• Experience as a cycling athlete/coach/support (required)
• Strong understanding of Long-Term Athlete Development (required)
• Strong communication skills (required)
• Strong organizational skills and planning ability (required)
• Proficient in Microsoft applications (MS Teams, Office, SharePoint, etc.) (required)


On an occasional basis, the Community & Grassroots Manager will be required to travel to meetings, events, or program activities within Ontario. The association has a compensatory time off policy to cover such travel necessity.

A criminal record check, proof of vaccination, drivers abstract, and screening disclosure form will be required prior to confirmation of hiring.

Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.

Apply at


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