Canadian Cyclist


June 10/09 12:50 pm - Nature Valley GP: Women's Stage 1 results Willock 3rd, Samplonius 4th, Beveridge 9th

Posted by Editoress on 06/10/09

Women's results from the first stage in Minnesota




Stage 1: St. Paul River Front Time Trial, 9.656km

Pro/ 1/2 Women
1 Kristin Armstrong (Cervelo Test Team) 0:13:48
2 Alison Powers (Team Type 1) at 0:13
3 Erinne Willock (Webcor Builders) 0:48
4 Anne Samplonius (Lip Smacker) s.t.
5 Katharine Carroll (Team TIBCO) 0:51
6 Alexis Rhodes (Webcor Builders) 0:52
7 Katheryn Curi Mattis (Webcor Builders) 0:55
8 Lauren Tamayo (Team TIBCO) 0:58
9 Julie Beveridge (Team TIBCO) s.t.
10 Rebecca Much (Webcor Builders) 1:01
11 Shelley Olds (PROMAN Hit Squad)
12 Amber Rais (Team TIBCO) both s.t.
13 Jessica Phillips (Lip Smacker) 1:04
14 Evelyn Stevens (Velo Classic Tours/Radical Media p/b Schick/Playtex) 1:05
15 Kate Veronneau (Altarum Women:s Cycling Team) 1:10
16 Andrea Dvorak (Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light) 1:13
17 Joanne Kiesanowski (Team TIBCO) 1:14
18 Carmen Mcnellis (Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light) 1:15
19 Sydney Brown (Nature Valley Cycling Team) 1:16
20 Meredith Miller (Team TIBCO) 1:17
21 Dotsie Bausch (Jazz Apple Women:s Cycling Team) 1:18
22 Kristin Mcgrath (ValueAct Capital Cycling Team) s.t.
23 Edwige Pitel (Lip Smacker) 1:19
24 Jacquelyn Crowell (Team Type 1) s.t.
25 Amanda Miller (Lip Smacker) 1:20
26 Kristin Sanders (ValueAct Capital Cycling Team) s.t.
27 Janel Holcomb (Webcor Builders) 1:22
28 Cath Cheatley (Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light) s.t.
29 Tiffany Cromwell (Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light) 1:27
30 Rachel Neylan (PROMAN Hit Squad) 1:29
31 Robin Farina (ValueAct Capital Cycling Team) 1:30
32 Veronica Leal (Team Type 1) 1:32
33 Laura Van Gilder (Altarum Women:s Cycling Team) 1:33
34 Anna Mcloon (Altarum Women:s Cycling Team)
35 Emily Zell (ValueAct Capital Cycling Team) both s.t.
36 Patricia Bailey (Nature Valley Cycling Team) 1:34
37 Kori Seehafer (Team Type 1) 1:35
38 Nikki Butterfield (Webcor Builders) 1:37
39 Ruth Corset (Jazz Apple Women:s Cycling Team) 1:38
40 Olivia Dillon (Nature Valley Cycling Team) 1:39
41 Cheryl Thonney (Riverstone CDA) s.t.
42 Alison Littlefield (MBRC/Flanders) 1:40
43 Amy Dombroski (Webcor Builders) 1:42
44 Tina Pic (Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light) s.t.
45 Nicole Evans (ValueAct Capital Cycling Team) 1:43
46 Kristin Wentworth (Team Kenda) 1:44
47 Brooke Miller (Team TIBCO) 1:47
48 Christen King (PROMAN Hit Squad) 1:48
49 Rachel Heal (Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light) 1:51
50 Gina Grain (Webcor Builders) 1:55
51 Toni Bradshaw (Lip Smacker) s.t.
52 Silke Wunderwald (Team Kenda) 1:56
53 Devon Haskell (Team BH USA) 1:58
54 Jennifer Purcell (Riverstone CDA) 1:59
55 Kirsty Broun (Riverstone CDA) 2:01
56 Coryn Rivera (PROMAN Hit Squad) 2:04
57 Audrey Friedrichsen Scott (Nature Valley Cycling Team) s.t.
58 Jennifer Gaertner (Riverstone CDA) 2:06
59 Kelly Benjamin (Colavita Sutter Home p/b Cooking Light) 2:06
60 Emma Rickards (Team TIBCO) 2:07
61 Linsey Bradshaw-Sandoval (Riverstone CDA) 2:08
62 Liz Young (Riverstone CDA) 2:09
63 Karla Kingsley (MBRC/Flanders)
64 Ally Stacher (Team Kenda) both s.t.
65 Rebecca Larson (ValueAct Capital Cycling Team) 2:11
66 Sara Morse (MBRC/Flanders) 2:16
67 Jadine Riley (Riverstone CDA) 2:17
68 Morgan Kapp (Nature Valley Cycling Team)
69 Christina Smith (Veloforma) both s.t.
70 Christy Keely (Team Kenda) 2:18
71 Linda Sone (MBRC/Flanders)
72 Lauren Hecht (Riverstone CDA) both s.t.
73 Amity Elliot (Nature Valley Cycling Team) 2:19
74 Steph Roorda (Jazz Apple Women:s Cycling Team) s.t.
75 Erica Allar (ValueAct Capital Cycling Team) 2:20
76 Kacey Manderfield (Lip Smacker) 2:22
77 Kendi Thomas (Ryan Collegiate Women All-Stars) s.t.
78 Kathryn Donovan (Kahala-LaGrange) 2:26
79 Jacqueline Kurth (Team Kenda) 2:27
80 Lauren Ellis (Jazz Apple Women:s Cycling Team) 2:29
81 Camilla Schmitz (MBRC/Flanders) s.t.
82 Rebecca Domange (Specialized D4W/Bicycle Haus) 2:30
83 Erica Zaveta (Ryan Collegiate Women All-Stars) 2:31
84 Sally Annis (Hub Racing) 2:32
85 Casey Gale (Specialized D4W/Bicycle Haus) 2:34
86 Sharon Allpress (ValueAct Capital Cycling Team) 2:35
87 Sinead Miller (Ryan Collegiate Women All-Stars) 2:36
88 Marina Duvnajk (Jazz Apple Women:s Cycling Team) 2:38
89 Ashley James (Team Kenda) 2:39
90 Kathleen Billington (Velo Classic Tours/Radical Media p/b Schick/Playtex) 2:40
91 Rachel Lloyd (PROMAN Hit Squad)
92 Samantha Schneider (Team Type 1) both s.t.
93 Melissa Dahlmann (MBRC/Flanders) 2:42
94 Josephine Giddens (Hub Racing) 2:45
95 Shana Sturla (MBRC/Flanders) 2:46
96 Melissa Sanborn (Vanderkitten Racing) s.t.
97 Lindsey Myers (Velo Classic Tours/Radical Media p/b Schick/Playtex) 2:48
98 Tammy Wildgoose (Ryan Collegiate Women All-Stars) 2:50
99 Emma Bast (Ryan Collegiate Women All-Stars) 2:51
100 Dale Tye (Altarum Women:s Cycling Team) s.t.
101 Starla Teddergreen (MBRC/Flanders) 2:57
102 Sheba Farrin (Hub Racing) 2:58
103 Arielle Filiberti (Ryan Collegiate Women All-Stars) 2:59
104 Kristen Meshberg (Team BH USA) 3:00
105 Lisa Turnbull (Velo Classic Tours/Radical Media p/b Schick/Playtex) s.t.
106 Kathryn Bertine (Specialized D4W/Bicycle Haus) 3:01
107 Malindi Maclean (Jazz Apple Women:s Cycling Team) 3:02
108 Liza Rachetto (Velo Classic Tours/Radical Media p/b Schick/Playtex) 3:06
109 Kathryn Clark (Team Kenda) 3:09
110 Anne Meyer (Team BH USA) 3:10
111 Rita Klofta (Ryan Collegiate Women All-Stars) s.t.
112 Amy Mcguire (Hub Racing) 3:17
113 Madeleine Puissant (Team BH USA) 3:22
114 Morgan Patton (Team Type 1) 3:30
115 Arley Kemmerer (Hub Racing) 3:32
116 Liz Leyden (Hub Racing) 3:33
117 Kristin Jo Markham (Team Kenda) 3:38
118 Nicole Brandt (PROMAN Hit Squad) 3:41


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