Canadian Cyclist


September 24/97 22:38 pm - Vuelta, East Coast Rides

Posted by Editor on 09/24/97

Vuelta a Espana, Spain Stage 18, Burgos to Valladolid - 183.7 km 1. Leon van Bon (Netherlands) Rabobank 3:52:30 2. Laurent Brochard (France) Lotus 3. Stefano Colage (Italy) Refin 4. Mariano Piccoli (Italy) Brescialat 5. Claudio Chiappucci (Italy) Asics 6. Jose-Vicente Garcia Acosta (Spain) Banesto 7. Vyacheslav Ekimov (Russia) U.S. Postal 8. Igor Galdeano (Spain) Euskaltel all s.t. 9. Sergei Ouslamine (Russia) Refin at 0:37 10. Dario Pieri (Italy) Scrigno 4:25 GC 1. ZÃœLLE, Alex SUI ONCE 77:04:59 2. ESCARTIN, Fernando ESP KELME - COSTA BLANCA at 2:46 3. DUFAUX, Laurent SUI LOTUS 3:39 4. ZAINA, Enrico ITA ASICS - CGA 5:07 5. HERAS, Roberto ESP KELME - COSTA BLANCA 6:17 6. SERRANO, Marcos A. ESP KELME - COSTA BLANCA 7:10 7. CLAVERO, Daniel ESP ESTEPONA - TOSCAF 7:29 8. JALABERT, Laurent FRA ONCE 9:51 9. FARESIN, Gianni ITA MAPEI - GB 11:10 10. LEDANOIS, Yvon FRA GAN 11:22 East Coast Events The last weekend in September offers some heavy duty rides for Maritime riders. In Nova Scotia, Velo halifax hosts the 200 km Night Ride, starting at 11 pm on Saturday, September 27th (for the faint of heart, the ride joins up with a shorter ride the next day in Chester). Contact organizer Gary Conrad at 423-2453. In (On?) Prince Edward Island, the newly formed Cycling PEI (CPEI) hosts their first century (160 km). Not much info on this one, so contact them through their website (listed in our Links section).


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