Canadian Cyclist


November 6/15 12:17 pm - Abbotsford Indoor BMX Programme Begins Next Week (BC)

Posted by Editoress on 11/6/15

Abbotsford BMX has released their Indoor 2015-16 Indoor BMX schedule.

The indoor BMX track is being built on November 9th. Extra hands are always welcome in the afternoon with grooming, so please stop by the track at 32470 Haida (behind Agrifair Arena) in Abbotsford if you are able to help out.

A few updates from the track about racing, coaching, and practice:

• Registration for Saturday evening races will be cut off at 6:15 pm, in order to get racing started right at 7:00pm.
• Coaching for Novice riders is available on Tuesdays from 4:30 - 5:30pm with Zach Frier.
• Intermediate and Expert coaching with Joe Rasmussen is available on Wednesdays from 5:00 - 6:00 pm.
• Cost for coaching and practice is $10.
• Please note that there are changes to the Open Practice times. There are some changes to the ProAm qualifications and race formats. Information will be posted at the track.

View the full schedule for 2015-2016 Indoor BMX on the Abbotsford BMX page, click Here.

Keep up to date with changes in the schedule and updates from the track on Abbotsford BMX's website.

Courtesy Cycling BC


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