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November 16/14 11:19 am - Lex Albrecht Beats the Hockey Player

Posted by Editor on 11/16/14

We reported on Friday that Canadian road racer Lex Albrecht had accepted a challenge for a bike race against retired Montreal Canadians hockey star Georges Laraque [see Daily News - Lex Albrecht vs the Hockey Player]. The pair were to race up the Mont Royal climb in Montreal (on Camilien Houde), on Sunday morning.

Well, the race took place this morning in snowy conditions and ... it was a blowout, with Albrecht quickly dropping Laraque to crest the top of the climb alone and then rolling back down the hill to ride up again with Laraque (sprinting by him to take a second 'win'). Laraque was taken to the hospital for observation after the race.

We just spoke with Lex about her 'victory'.

"It was pretty crazy, I hadn't checked the weather, so I wasn't expecting it; it was snowing quite a bit. But as cyclists we are used to riding in all sorts of crazy weather."

"There were quite a few people out for it, including CBC and some other media. They were at the start and the top, plus some along the route and a few following us up in their cars."

When we spoke with Lex before the race, she was worried about Laraque's strength in the early part of the ride. "I was really nervous before the start, because he's a strong guy. Georges started out really hard, but I was able to stay right with him and then go by him."

"It didn't take long to drop him, and then I rode hard all the way to the finish line. Then I went back and rode up with him; but I sprinted for the finish again [laughs]. I'm pretty satisfied."

"I have to give kudos to Georges though, he really put out everything he had. It was pretty impressive because he is a big guy. I hope he is recovering okay, because he wasn't looking too good at the finish."

So are we going to see any further challenges - maybe on the ice?

"That's up to Georges. I never made the challenge in the first place, it was him. But probably not hockey; I think we would have to pick a different sport."


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