Canadian Cyclist


February 3/06 8:57 am - Help a Good Cause: London Velodrome, BC Bike Donations

Posted by Editor on 02/3/06

London Velodrome Fundraising Drive
Courtesy Rob Good

It is February and we thought it would be a good time to Kick-Off our 2nd Annual Fund-Raising drive for 2006. The Velodrome has added many new programs since we opened in April 2005 and we need to keep them running for all of the members of the Velodrome.

If you make your cheque payable to the "Sport Is Development Fund", the Ontario Cycling Association can make sure you get a Tax Receipt for the full amount of your donation. One of the cool things about this program is that 100% of the funds raised goes back into the programs at the Forest City Velodrome.

* Velo-Kids Saturday & Sunday session, plus FREE use of the youth bikes.
* Mid-Week noon hour & afternoon rides to continue.
* 28 hours of Recreational riding each week.
* 2 Seniors Recreational sessions each week.
* 4 Levels of Track School to help new riders get acquainted with Track
* Junior Development Programs, Clinics and Mini-Camps, support for Track
* Weekly race Training sessions.
* Interval training sessions, for Sprint and Endurance Athlete's
* Races to help develop your speed for the road season.

With your help we can expand these programs in the coming months.

Every donation above $100.00 will receive their name on our New "Wall of Fame". All donations will be represented on our website.

Companies can take advantage of the additional advertising space we have added to the infield. These donations will be handled separately. Please call Rob Good for all the details of this advertising and marketing program. 1-519-883-7849.

Download the donation form Here.

BC Tour Company Looking for Bike Donations

Bicycles Without Borders, a non-profit subsidiary of Fernie Fat-Tire Adventures, Western Canada's leading mountain bike tour operator, is soliciting donations of bicycles and cash to assist in their goal of distributing bicycles to needy families in developing countries in Central and South America.

The seed for Bicycles Without Borders was planted when company founder and president Mike Brcic was in Guyana this past winter filming a documentary on the Macushi people of the Rupununi region. Seeing the importance of the bicycle as a mode of transport and communication, as well as a source of activity and fun for local children, he envisioned an organization that would put much-needed bicycles in families' hands via local NGO partners.

BWB is seeking donations of well-maintained new or used bicycles, as well as financial contributions to assist with shipping costs. In addition, all 2006 week and two-week tours booked with Fernie Fat-Tire Adventures result in a $10 donation to BWB. For more information or to make a donation, please visit Fernie Fat-Tire's website at, or call 1-888-423-7849


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