Canadian Cyclist

Welcome to our Destinations page! We regularly receive inquiries from cyclists about publishing stories on trips they have taken, and realized that we need to have an area where riders can share their experiences, and readers can pick up ideas for trips of their own.

If you have undertaken a cycling trip and want let others in the cycling community know about it - both the good and the bad - please submit your story here. Send your stories to:


  • Keep photos (Jpeg format) to no more than 500 Kb each, and be sure to include a caption for each one, as well as the appropriate photo credit for each image. Please ensure that you have any required permissions for the image to be published.
  • Submit stories and photos either as a MS Word document or in the body of the e-mail.
  • We will only publish your e-mail as a contact if you tell us to do so.
  • Be sure to include pertinent information - such as websites, hotels, clubs etc. - that will enable others to undertake similar trips that your story has inspired.

Note: Canadian Cyclist reserves the right to edit articles for length and content, and to adjust photos to make them suitable for the website.

NOTE: There are some 38414 entries in the DB, so for best results limit the scope of your search.

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