Canadian Cyclist


February 7/06 10:13 am - Sudbury CC Annual Banquet

Posted by Editor on 02/7/06

Sudbury CC Annual Banquet

The Members of the Sudbury Cycling Club will be having it's annual riders banquet a little later than last year. It is being done in this manner to include a long time volunteer member Eli Girolametto. Although Eli was not a racing cyclist, his sons were. Long after they finished as racing cyclists Eli continued with his service to the club. We are all greatful for this volunteer effort.

For those of you who raced the Caruso Club Festival races in Sudbury, your prize winning cheques would have been arranged and endorsed by Eli!

We are trying to contact all former members of the Sudbury Cycling Club in order to give them the opportunity to wish Eli well. Please do so at this e-mail address:

If you would like to have more information about the dinner please contact the Club Secretary - Lisanne Desbiens -

The Sudbury Cycling Club is planning an appreciation dinner for Eli Girolametto on Saturday, February 25th, 2006 at the Italian Club in Copper Cliff.

For those of you who do not know him, he was one of the founding members of the club and was the club's treasurer for over 30 years. Because of his countless hours of volunteer and dedication to the club, we are going to have this appreciation dinner for him.

Since we have not yet had our SCC rider dinner and award night, we will also be celebrating this on the same night as Eli's appreciation dinner.

The supper will be a chicken and pasta buffet and will cost $25 per person. Tickets can be purchased from Lisanne at the Wednesday night Delki Dozzi practices (6pm-8pm).

We are also hoping to have a special guest as the MC.

Tickets will be available starting this Wednesday evening. Family and friends are more than welcome. Hope to see everyone there.


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