Canadian Cyclist


February 10/06 5:12 am - OCA AGM & Elections

Posted by Editor on 02/10/06

OCA AGM and Elections 2006 - March 4th at Bike Show
Courtesy OCA

The Ontario Cycling Association is run by a volunteer Board of Directors who make decisions about the direction of the OCA and supervise the staff in the delivery of those decisions. The complete Board meets at least two times per year. The Executive meets more frequently. In 2006, the following positions are to be elected for two year terms:

Vice President - Development
Vice President - Finance & Administration
Vice President - BMX

Individual Members in good standing who are eighteen (18) years of age or older, have the power under law to contract, are not undischarged bankrupts and are residents of Ontario may be nominated for election.

The nomination for election as a Director must be in writing and must be signed by the nominator, (any Individual Member in good standing), include the written consent of the nominee; and be submitted to the Corporation at least seven (7) days prior to the relevant General Meeting, in this case by February 25, 2006.

If only one nomination is received for any position of Director, the nominated person shall be elected by acclamation. If no nomination is received, the Director previously elected shall be entitled to hold office for another term.

The OCA is now accepting nominations for the following two positions on the High Performance Committee:

MTB (XC/DH/4X) Member at Large
Road/Track/Cyclo-Cross Member at Large

The submission deadline for nominations for OCA High Performance Committee members is Friday, February 24th, 2006 at 5pm. Voting will take place at the AGM on Saturday March 4th, 2006.

All nominations should be sent either by mail, email or fax to:

Ontario Cycling Association
Att: Manager, High Performance Programs and Member Services
1185 Eglinton Ave. East Suite #408
North York, ON
M3C 3C6

Phone: 416.426.7401
Fax: 416.426.7349



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