Canadian Cyclist


February 14/06 8:47 am - Penticton National Training Camp

Posted by Editor on 02/14/06

The National Cycling Centre's Annual Penticton Training Camp
Courtesy Tanya Dubnicoff

March 24th - April 2nd 2006 (8 riding days)
Depart: March 24th 2006
Where: The Olympic Oval South side by Out Door Program Centre
When: 12 noon arrive to load bus. Bus departs at 1:00pm sharp
Arrive Penticton: 8pm Local time
Hotel: Sandman Inn Penticton, 939 Burnaby Ave West (250) 493 7151

The Camp will include:
* 5 NCCP certified coaches providing ride support
* Ground transportation from Calgary to Penticton return
* Accommodations based on 4 per room for Juniors and adults 2 per room. Kitchenettes, included
* Meal service provided for Breakfast and Dinner only
* Ride planning, ride support, Video analysis, Time Trials, Team tactics, Daily skill sessions.
* All riders must have a helmet, proper ride gear, a safe and working road bike
* Athletes must have 2006 Cycling Association License.
* All riders are responsible for: lunches and or ride food, equipment e.g. water bottles, tires, tubes,
* Daily grocery shuttle is provided,

* Fees:
* Juniors $850.00
* Senior / adults $950.00

* 8 days of riding Saturday March 26th - April 1st
* 4-5 riding Groups each with vehicle support and NCCP certified cycling coach
* 7:30-8am Breakfast
* 9am skill session,
* 9:30 depart for ride, pack food for the day lunch on the road
* Time trail race, Road sprints, hill climbs
* 5-7pm Dinner.
* 7pm grocery shuttle
* 8pm Guest speaker or cycling videos or free time
* Average of 1000km's of riding

Please download Penticton Application form at Fax in at 284 4815. Please make cheque payments to the University of Calgary, for credit card payments phone the Olympic Oval front desk 220 7954.

Contact: Tanya Dubnicoff (403) 220 7801 or Stephen Burke (403) 220 8008 Dawn Brown (403) 220 8003.


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