Canadian Cyclist


February 17/06 5:53 am - Durham Region Cycling Plan Study

Posted by Editor on 02/17/06

Durham Region Cycling Plan Study
Courtesy Lori Riviere

You are cordially invited to the Region of Durham's second open house for the Regional Cycling Plan Study, as follows:

When: Thursday March 2nd, 2006, between 7 to 8:30 pm
Where: At the new Region of Durham Headquarters, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, in the lower level, Room LLC

At this open house we will be presenting the draft Regional Cycling Network. We encourage you to attend and offer your comments on this network and the development of the Regional Cycling Plan. Regional Staff and the Consultant will be present to answer any questions you may have.

Further information is available on our website at including our latest newsletter.

If you are unable to attend the March 2nd open house, the draft Regional Cycling Network will be available for review at a number of other open houses being held by the Durham Trails Co-ordinating Committee. The meetings will be held from 7 to 8:30 pm on the following dates and locations:

* February 23, 2006: Town of Ajax, Municipal Building, River Plate Room, 65 Harwood Avenue Ave. S., Ajax
* February 28, 2006: Municipality of Clarington, Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville
* March 1, 2006: Township of Brock, Cannington Community Centre, 91 Elliot St., Cannington
* March 8, 2006: Township of Scugog, Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 181 Perry St., Port Perry
* March 14, 2006: Township of Uxbridge, Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 51 Toronto St. S., Uxbridge
* March 16, 2006: City of Oshawa, Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 50 Centre St. S., Oshawa
* March 21, 2006: City of Pickering, Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 1 The Esplanade, Pickering.


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