Canadian Cyclist


February 22/06 10:11 am - CCES Report

Posted by Editoress on 02/22/06

CCES: Doping Control Statistics for October to December 2005

The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) performed 658 doping control tests from October to December 2005. Testing under the national program accounted for 491 of these tests, with 70% conducted out of competition.

The CCES carried out 120 in-competition tests during nine international events held in Canada. These events included World Cups for FIS, FIL, ISU and FIBT, and the World Junior Hockey Championships. Out-of competition contract testing was conducted for the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) (32 tests) and for various federations (15 tests).

"The CCES was excited to announce a new online Drug Information Database ( in December to help athletes determine which medications and other substances are prohibited by WADA," said Jeremy Luke, General Manager of the Anti-Doping Program. "It's been popular with athletes, coaches and parents, with an average of almost 2,000 enquiries per month. We plan to continue improving the service in concert with our partner, UK Sport."

Two anti-doping rule violations were reported this quarter. A violation for cocaine in the sport of wrestling resulted in a two-year sanction, and a violation by an equestrian athlete for cannabinoids resulted in a sanction of a warning and reprimand and no period of ineligibility. In addition, a swimming coach was reinstated into sport after a successful appeal.

The CCES is an independent, national, non-profit organization, whose mission, to promote ethical conduct in all aspects of sport in Canada, is carried out through research, promotion, education, detection and deterrence, as well as through programs and partnerships with other organizations.

October-December Domestic Doping Control Statistics

Sport OOC IC Total ADRV
Alpine Ski 190190
Athletics 338410
Basketball 6060
Biathlon 5050
Bobsleigh / Skeleton 2121420
Boxing 9090
Canoe / Kayak 110110
CCAA Football 411150
CIS Cross Country Running 0440
CIS Football 412160
CIS Hockey 170170
CIS Rugby 0440
CIS Soccer 0880
Cross Country Ski 140140
Curling 010100
Cycling 120120
Diving 2020
Equestrian 010101
Field Hockey 0440
Figure skating 130130
Freestyle Ski8080
Gymnastics 2570
Handball 3030
Hockey 250250
Judo 150150
Junior Football 98170
Luge 137200
Rowing 80180
Ski Jumping 4040
Snowboard 9090
Soccer 1010
Speed Skating 3021510
Swimming 1416300
Synchronized Swimming 4040
Volleyball 1010
Water Polo 4040
Weightlifting 3030
Wrestling 9091
Total 3421494912

IC: In competition
OOC: Out of competition
ADRV: Anti-doping rule violation


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