Canadian Cyclist


March 11/06 8:14 am - Hamilton Good Friday Race, Trish Sinclair Website

Posted by Editor on 03/11/06

Hamilton's Good Friday Road Race Moves
Courtesy Martin Reid

Hamilton CC has finally been able to move the Good Friday race back to Hamilton. It will be held April 14th on a fairly challenging 5 kilometre circuit starting on Fallsview Rd E in Flamborough and given that Good Friday falls in mid-April we look forward to a good turnout.

The event will be catered by M&M and there is a great fruitstand/pie place at the other corner on Sydenham (Dymonds Farm). Entry fee is up $5 this year due largely to the requirement for larger police contingent.

Trish Sinclair Launches New Website

Trish Sinclair, a mainstay of the Canadian mountain bike pro scene, just let us know that her new website is up -


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