Canadian Cyclist


March 15/06 10:06 am - Call for Nominations

Posted by Editoress on 03/15/06

Courtesy SIRC

The 3rd Carol Anne Letheren International Sport Leadership Award will recognize a Canadian woman who has made an outstanding contribution in the area of international sport leadership and had a profound impact on sport and physical activity.

The Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS) and the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) have partnered to recognize and pay tribute to the unparalleled career and legacy of Carol Anne Letheren.

Nominate your candidate for the Carol Anne Letheren International Sport Leadership Award if she:

• is a Canadian citizen;
•is a current or retired female administrator, athlete, coach, volunteer, official, etc;
•has made an outstanding contribution as a sport and physical activity leader demonstrating ground breaking innovative leadership which positively impacted sport and/or physical activity at the international level;
•is an acknowledged achiever in her endeavours in sport;

Nominations must include:

Completed application form (available at including a CV describing the applicant's background and involvement in international sport and physical activity fields and the influence and impact she has had;
two personal letters of recommendation, one from an international colleague and one from a Canadian colleague both of whom are familiar with the applicant's work internationally; these letters should address the individual qualities and successes of the applicant;
a maximum of two letters of support, from an International Federation and/or from a National Sport Organization with which the applicant has been associated; these letters should address how the candidate has had a positive impact on their sport and organization.

Submit your applications via mail, e-mail or fax to the address indicated on the application form. Deadline for nominations is April 3, 2006.

A joint committee of COC and CAAWS designates will review all nominations and make the final selection. The award will be presented at the COC Congress in Quebec City on April 28-30, 2006.

For more information on the Carol Anne Letheren International Sport Leadership Award contact: CAAWS at (613) 562-5667 or


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