Canadian Cyclist


March 25/06 2:54 am - Easter Training Camp at the Atlantic Cycling Centre

Posted by Editoress on 03/25/06

Easter Training Camp at the Atlantic Cycling Centre
Courtesy Luc Arseneau ˆ Head Coach

Yes, it is this time of year again! On the weekend of what many call the "official" opening of the North American cycling season (Redlands Classic), the ACC is extending invites to the annual Easter Camp. Again this year, this camp will be filled with many group rides, information sessions and track riding.

A new addition is a Talent ID Camp for Junior men and women. This portion of the camp is in collaboration with the CCA and counts as a first step towards possible selection to the Canadian Junior Team for 2006. Every Junior rider (Road, Track or MTB) should attend!

Other category riders (exceptions made for cadet riders) are also welcomed to this camp. This camp is a get every one, to show early form and to ride in a big group. Once again this year, the group will be heading to Fundy National Park for the traditional scenic ride!

Download the registration/Information forms. Registration dead line of April 10!

English registration info. (pdf format)

French registration info.(pdf format)


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