Canadian Cyclist


March 29/06 7:43 am - Escape Velocity/dEVo Spring Series Final Event

Posted by Editoress on 03/29/06

Escape Velocity/dEVo Spring Classic Stage Race update
Courtesy Jeremy Storie

The final weekend of the Escape Velocity/dEVo Spring Series finishes up April 1st and 2nd with the Spring Classic Stage Race. Due to an overwhelming turnout this year, particularly in the lower categories, we have added a 4th category for all three stages. This will be a test run to try for the entire series in 2007. There will be the regular A, B, and C categories and we have a added a new category for complete novice riders, novice women, and young riders. Road race start times will be as per normal for all categories and the Novice group will start at Noon. For these Novice riders please report to the start finish area for sign up. Your series number is still valid for the stage race. Please do not park on the course if you are in the novice group as there will be races on while you are arriving.

Criterium start times are as follows C's 9:15 AM. B's 10:15 AM and A's 11:30 AM, New Novice category will start at 1 PM and race for 20 minutes. Same parking warnings apply for all categories at the criterium. Time Trial start times will be posted on Saturday night far all stage race competitors. Remembers this is a stage race based on points and to be eligible for the overall you must start all three stages. If riders are doing individual stages they are eligible for individual stage prizes. For all info please visit and this site will be updated by Thursday to reflect new category information.


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