Canadian Cyclist


May 10/06 9:20 am - Hatzic Valley Road Race: Report & Results

Posted by Editoress on 05/10/06

Getting Dizzy in the Valley Mission BC, Sunday May 7th
Courtesy of Julie Anne Payne

The first race hosted by the Dizzy Chicks was about to start and still the clouds hung low in the valley and periods of steady rain mingled with bouts of drizzle that seemed endless. Yet the buzz at the Community Centre was loud and bright. Before 7 AM, the first wave of volunteers had arrived to set up registration, sweep corners, place signage, post notices, establish perimeters for parking, start and finsh line details and tent set up. The officials were arriving, the kitchen crew had appeared, the smell of coffee permeated the air and the clatter of gear echoed throughout.

As the day progressed, the sun broke through the bank of clouds, officials dried out and the racers continued on the gruelling course.

A true army of hearty and happy volunteers pulled together and hosted a very successful race.

We thank all who came to volunteer, to officiate, to cheer and to race.

Memoirs of a Volunteer: from the Hatzic Valley Sidelines
by Sarah Nathan

It was 4:00 am on Sunday, and my alarm clock was going off - what was going on? It was no ordinary Sunday morning - it was the day of the Hatzic Valley road race! I dragged myself out of bed, had a bite to eat, and hopped on my bike to meet my ride out to Hatzic. Let me tell you - traffic is nice and light at 4:30 am, which makes riding across town a breeze - you should try it sometime!

Shortly before 5:00am I arrived at Sheena's place to meet her and friends Lise and Denise - Lise had volunteered to do the driving. For a race organizer on race morning, Sheena was impressively calm and collected - she even offered me a travel mug of tea as I walked through the door. Travel mugs in hand, we hopped into Lise's car and headed out to the race.

We arrived on site at 6:45 am along with several other volunteers. We were a flurry of activity right away, setting up the registration table and getting the site ready for the race. I worked registration with and handful of others in the morning, checking licenses, taking waivers, and trying my best to answer questions about the race. Having never been on that side of a registration table, I was impressed with how cheerful and polite the racers were, despite the cold rainy morning.

By 10:00 am the first races were well underway, and there was a lull at registration. One rider, who had scratched from his race due to an injury, kindly gave me a ride down to the finish line, and even volunteered some of his own time there. I spent the rest of the day keeping track of rider placings, cheering riders on, and just generally enjoying my front-row seat to the race action.

Stoic Category 3, 4, 5, Junior, and U17 racers lapped past the soggy finish line repeatedly until finishing shortly before noon, soaked from the rain, exhausted from the effort, yet elated from the experience. Those athletes are as tough as they come! Next up were Category 1 and 2 Men and Women. Thankfully for these riders and all the drenched volunteers, the rain let up for the afternoon, and the sun even made a few appearances. The 1s and 2s showed us what strength and endurance are really about, charging up the formidable Stave Lake Hill time and time again.

By the time the day ended, I was exhausted, but inspired to get back to training. Sheena and the rest of us Dizzy Chicks put on a great race in the Hatzic Valley (if I do say so myself), and the cycling community has shown itself to be a dedicated, positive, and very waterproof group of which I am proud to be member!

Hatzic Valley Road Race

CAT 1/2 Men

1. Andrew Kyle (Sugoi Giant)
2. Rob Britton (Giga Bike/La-Z-boy)
3. Marsh Cooper (Symmetrics Cycling)
4. Sean Dawson (Masi-Adobe)
5. Bradley Kerr (Gigabike/La-Z-Boy/Fresh Air Experience)
6. Carl Jackson (Masi-Adobe)
7. Damien Waugh (Masi-Adobe)
8. Marcel Aarden (Giga Bike/La-Z-boy)
9. Fraser Hayes (Aviawest-Vega)
10. Jay Hawranik (GS Campione)
11. Scott LaLiberte (GS Campione)
12. Sven Sturm (Trek Red Truck Ale)
13. Damien Waugh (Masi-Adobe)
14. Jordan Guenelle (Masi-Adobe)
15. Ryan McNamara (Giga Bike/La-Z-boy)
16. Garth White (Trek Red Truck Ale)
17. Jason Thompson (Escape Velocity)
18. John Perkins (Team GS Campione)
19. Jason Fluckiger (Bayside)
20. Ryan Clarke (Team Coastal)
21. Shane Savage (Masi-Adobe)
22. Chris Squire (Escape Velocity)
23. Duncan Steele (escape Velocity)
24. Trevor Connor
DNF. Larry Zimach (Team Coastal)
DNF. Tim Mayer (Fresh Air Experience)
DNF. Matthew Walker (Giga-Bike/La-Z-Boy)
DNF. Simon Craig (Spoke'n Motion )
DNF. Jim Kwasnicki (Coastal)
DNF. Gary Wade (Team Rostortien)
DNF. Philip Edamura (GS Campione)
DNF. Allan Prazsky (Trek)
DNF. Tim Abercrombie (Escape Velocity)
DNF. Dave Brooks (Giga-Bike/La-Z-Boy)
DNF. Craig De Gier (Team GS Campione)
DNF. David Dunnison (Team Coastal)
DNF. Scott Goguen (Masi-Adobe)
DNF. David Lundine (Giga Bike/La-Z-boy)
DNF. Kevin Noiles (Masi-Adobe)
DNF. Ryan Olson (GS/Campione)
DNF. Dan Schmit (TREK - Red truck racing team)
DNF. Dan Skinner (Total Restoration)
DNF. Robin White (aviawest-vega)
DNF. Ezra Nichols (IRC Robert Cameron Law)

CAT 1/2/3 Women

1. Leah Goldstein (Mighty Rider)
2. Marni Hambleton (Symmetrics Cycling)
3. Mandy Poitras (Symmetrics Cycling)
4. Stacey Spencer (Symmetrics cycling)
5. Claire Cameron (GS Campione)
6. Lee Darling (Coastal)
7. Barb Zimich (Team Coastal)
8. Joanna Harrington
9. Heather Taddy (Independent)
10. Lisa Tasa (Chapman Land Surverying Racing)
DNF. Maria Lee (Symmetrics Cycling)

CAT 3 Men

1. Jesse Vanoene (lactic acid racing)
2. Jae-ho Yoo (Atomic Racing Club)
3. Nathan MacDonald (Team GS/Campione)
4. Ron Klopfer (Coastal)
5. Jeff Ain (dEVo/Powerbar/Ryders)
6. Russell Stead (Escape Velocity)
7. Matthew Petma (Latic Acid)
8. Cody Campbell (Soliton)
9. Matthew OHagan (IRC p/b Cameron Law)
10. Jefferey Castenmiller (Lactic Acid Racing)
11. Jonathan Gormick (Steed Cycles/SRAM/Rockshox)
12. Patrick Love (Wedgewood Cycling Team)
13. Mack Ormesher
14. Michael Rothengatter (lactic acid racing)
15. Luke Branson (Team Coastal)
DNF. Kerry Abols (interior grasslands)
DNF. Marco Sabatino (Escape Velocity / devo)
DNF. Austin MacDougall (dEVo/Powerbar)
DNF. Brent Hambelton

Junior Men

1. Graeme Brant (Rocky Mountain)
2. Daniel Penn (Devo/velocity)
3. Maurice Kowalski (Lactic Acid )
DNF. Cameron Thorpe (Devo/Velocity)

CAT 4/5 Men

1. John Markez
2. Kevin Rutherford
3. Jason Manning (dEvO)
4. Jeremy Stother
5. Jonathan Page
6. Christopher Reynolds (Atomic)
7. David Gerth (Team Coastal)
8. Zenya Kasybuchi (Escape Velocity)
9. Graeme Martindale (Trek Red Truck)
10. Nick Berry
11. Tyrone Maguire
12. Paul McCloskey (Atomic)
13. Colin Adamson (Escape Velocity)
14. Andrew Lea (Team Coastal Cycling)
15. Owen Sturgess (Escape Velocity)
16. Andrew Russell (Team GS Campione)
17. Colin Hale (Coastal)
18. Clayton Sansbury (Cove Bikes)
19. David Penner (Escape Velocity)
22. Christian Hansen (n/a)
23. Paul Falcon (Coastal)
24. Benjamin Faber (Coastal)
25. Darrin Grund (Team Coastal)
26. Anselmo Rossiello (Team Coastal)
27. Jak New (Escape Velocity)
28. Jakub Wasiela (Escape Velocity)
29. David Broemeling (Escape Velocity)
30. Zeb Pignott- Duggan
DNS. Ben Jackson (Escape Velocity)
DNS. Trevor Wilkinson (Escape Velocity / dEVo)
DNF. Patrick Brick (Team Coastal)
DNF. Brian Wong
DNF. Smit Andries (Devo)
DNF. Gordon Tulip (Escape Velocity)
DNF. Mark Dormer (Escape Velocity)

Masters Men

1. Rob Mulder (Steed)
2. David Dunnison (Team Coastal)
3. Brian Hamman
4. Peter Curtain (Independant)
5. Jim Cooper (escape velocity)
DNF. Stuart Lynne

CAT 4 Women

1. Jennifer Tabbernor (Team Whistler/Natures Path)
2. Janie Venis
3. Jennifer Lee (GS Campione)
4. Courtney Albert (Dizzy Chicks)
5. Jennifer Gerth (Team Coastal)
6. Efrat Viedman (Dizzy Chicks)
7. Anne Wong (Coastal)

Junior Women

1. Rachel Canning (dEVo/powerbar/ryders)
2. Kyla Giesbrecht (Devo)
3. Sara Froese (Interior Grasslands Cycling Club)

U17 Women

1. Vanessa Tilson (kelowna cycle)
2. Camille Nonis (DEVO)
3. Megan Campbell (soliton)
DNF. Kathleen Wenting (Phoenix Velo Training Group)
DNS. Katherine Short (Sprockids/On The Edge)

U17 Men

1. Jordon Ellis (interior grassland)
2. Gavin Coyne (Interior Grasslands Cycling Club)
3. Dj Manning (devo)
4. Scott Mulder
5. Erik Mulder
6. Hans Froese (interior grassland)
7. Erik Norlander (Interior Grasslands Cycling Club)
8. Riley Milavsky (Soliton)
9. Olivier Roussynewton


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