Canadian Cyclist


July 5/06 8:46 am - Masi-Adobe Racing

Posted by Editoress on 07/5/06

Masi-Adobe Racing - Bicycles for Humanity Cypress Hill Climb Vancouver BC

July 2nd

A beautiful morning ensured a fantastic turnout for the return of the Cypress Hill Climb, organised by Masi Adobe Racing, as a fundraiser for Bicycles for Humanity. In total, 127 riders turned out to battle one of the giants of the North Shore of Vancouver, BC. I would like to pay special thanks toall the volunteers that helped set up a race that ran on time and without incident. A special thanks to our event sponsors, Masi Bicycles, Planet Foods, Honey Stinger, BBB, Norco and The Templeton Diner and also thanks to our event supporters Cadence Tires, Flash 5 and Giordana.

Congratulations to our Cat 1/2 winners Neal Kindree and Leah Goldstein of Symmetrics, rounding off a couple of successful weeks for both riders - Kindree recently winning the epic Test of Metal mountain bike race and Goldstein continuing her remarkable recovery from a serious accident last year in winning the recent Provincial Road Championships. Other winners include Mike Elliston (Cat 3 Men), Graeme Martindale (Cat 4 Men), Heather Gerth (Cat 4 Women) and Ted Lawson (Cat 5 Men).

Cat 1/2 Men
1. Neal Kindree (Kona)30:42
2. Andrew Kyle (Sugoi)30:56
3. Sean Dawson (Masi-Adobe)30:58
4. Kerry Farrell (Seattle, WA)30:58
5. Cory Forrest30:59
6. Carl Jacobsen (Masi-Adobe)31:04
7. Jordan Guenette (Masi-Adobe)31:20
8. Keith Stark (Rocky Mountain)31:20
9. Jonathan Gormick31:37
10. Michael Hunter33:02
11. Stephen Widmer (Sugoi)33:03
12. Ryan Smith33:07
13. Scott Malone33:19
14. Sven Sturm (Trek Red Truck)33:41
15. Kevin Calhoun (Rocky Mountain)33:48
16. Trevor Haaheim34:47
17. Matt Cottrell35:26
18. Clark Ryan36:11
19. Ryan Olsen37:52
20. John Perkins (Escape Velocity)38:30
DNF. Jim Tsilemos (Coastal)
Men 3
1. Mike Elliston32:14
2. Bruce Schlatter32:36
3. Jonathan Page33:19
4. Owen Sturgess33:20
5. Wendell Challenger34:06
6. Jeff Ain34:23
7. Jae-Ho Yoo34:32
8. Carsten Ivany34:38
9. David Slater34:41
10. Alex Northey34:42
11. Philip Caldery-Lo34:56
12. Patrick Love35:38
13. Russell Stead35:46
14. Bevan Hughes37:10
15. Brent Hambleton37:18
16. Matt Drown37:32
17. Clayton Sanbury39:18
18. Christian Hansen40:02
19. Tom Birk40:04
DNF. Christopher Reynolds
Men 4
1. Graeme Martindale33:55
2. Zeb Piggott Duncan33:58
3. Jeremy Stothers34:04
4. Brent Mladchuk34:54
5. Kevin Rutherford35:17
6. Richard Machhein35:25
7. Brian Marih35:34
8. David Penner35:49
9. Paul McCloskey35:51
10. Ben Jackson35:54
11. Frank Weber36:03
12. David Gerth36:25
13. William Lethman36:28
14. Curtis Weber36:51
15. Frank Schimunek37:03
16. Roy McBeth37:12
17. Kenneth Bragg37:28
18. Dylan Holliday37:44
19. Shawn Fraser38:00
20. Paul Silipp38:27
21. Ian Fingler38:29
22. Colin Hall38:41
23. Jason Brooks38:58
24. Karu Kalle39:02
25. Mark Dormer39:25
26. David Miller39:28
27. Sean Von Dehn39:35
28. Michael Barker39:40
29. Jeff Spence40:03
30. Paul Falcon40:04
31. Bill Riley40:18
32. Jahub Wasiela40:25
33. Ray Lachance40:31
34. John Tam40:36
35. Kevin Thorpe40:37
36. John Rozell41:52
37. Alexander Pope42:43
38. Cameron Thorpe42:44
39. James Thompson42:44
40. Lee Vincent45:37
41. Dan Prauly46:03
42. Derek Robbins47:15
Men 5/ Citizen
1. Ted Lawson (CIT)36:44
2. Patrick Beckstead (CIT)36:44
3. Casey Charleson36:47
4. Darrell Fox (CIT)38:26
5. Gibran Quintero38:38
6. Dale Ewanchook (CIT)38:58
7. Craig Costantino (CIT)39:29
8. Guy Wilson-Robert40:04
9. Chung Cheung (CIT)40:17
10. Tylor Jordan40:58
11. Daniel Mackie (CIT)41:24
12. Jamer Salazar (CIT)41:37
13. Cameron Janos42:07
14. Mischa Harris (CIT)42:42
15. Lee Hodgers43:31
16. Andries Smit44:31
17. Gavin Marshall (CIT)45:57
18. Tom Brouwer46:01
19. Stephen Wells (CIT)46:38
20. Ian Piatts46:39
21. Lance Richardson47:31
22. Brent Richardson (CIT)1:02:23
23. Pat Montani (CIT)1:13:00
Women 1,2,3
1. Leah Goldstein (Symmetrics)35:43
2. Stacy Spencer38:03
3. Meghan Kindree39:42
4. Sarah Stewart39:56
5. Lisa Tasa40:21
6. Christy Love40:30
7. Danielle Moore42:07
Women 4
1. Heather Gerth42:12
2. Elizabeth Hatch42:30
3. Courtney Albert42:4
4. Heather King42:44
5. Margaret Pugh45:38
6. Melanie Vaughan45:46
7. Kyla Geisbrecht47:06
8. Joanne Fox (CIT)47:38
9. Judi Garrison47:52
10. Karen Nakagawa49:16
11. Tam Cummings (CIT)49:43
12. Stephanie Cripps (CIT)50:24
13. Michelle Iarigaris51:05
14. Camille Nonis54:12


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