Canadian Cyclist


July 9/06 10:06 am - Report 2 from Master & Juniors Track nationals

Posted by Editoress on 07/9/06

Mike T sends us more reports from Bromont

If rg was pumped this morning, he was delirious this evening. My ear is still ringing. Here's why:

Sunday's results. Again these are not official and probably not 100% correct. rg just hopes he didn't miss anyone. We apologize in advance for all mistakes.

Junior Women Scratch race
1st - Gold medal - Evanie Blondin. Evanie, a national ranked speedskater from Ottawa, who has been to the Forest City Velodrome twice, battled two teams of two riders each. She defended against their attacks and finally put in her own attack. Result - Evanie won the Gold medal by 50 metres.

Junior Keirin
3rd. - Bronze medal - Joe Veloce. Joe, from St. Catherines, is a 17 year old regular at our Velodrome's races. He scored the bronze medal in this nationally prestigious event to do himself and the Velodrome proud.
There is an honorable mention to Vince DeJong in this event. He got 6th place in the B final.

Cadet Scratch race
1st - Gold medal - Logan Cornell, Kingston.
3rd - Bronze medal - Trevor Damen, Ottawa.
Both of these fine young riders were in the special Speedskater track camp at the FCV five weeks ago. They had not ridden a track until then. Evanie was in that situation too. Congratulations to all of them for their incredible performances. They are gifted multi-disciplined athletes.

Master B Scratch race
2nd - Silver medal - David Jack. David was in a 3-man break that lapped the field and he came 2nd to national team member Doug Baron.
4th - Garnett Abbey.

Master C Scratch race
2nd - Silver medal - Rob Good. Way to go rg, you deserved that one!
5th - Mike Renneboog.

Madison - Junior
3rd - Bronze medal - Steve Meyer & Ryan Crawford. Local London riders!
4th - Vince DeJong & Joe Veloce - a close 4th too!

Rob Good, while on his cellphone on the 401, counted these medals for FCV riders - 6 gold, 6 silver and 6-8 bronze.

This isn't verified but rg says Ontario juniors haven't medaled at the track nationals for many years.

These are incredible results and all due to the opening of the Forest City velodrome, rg's vision and total passion.

There will be many spin-offs to these successes and the following programs will begin immediately to build on this early success -

There will be THREE track teams formed for our young people and aimed at the future track nationals -

The A-Team - comprised of our current experienced Junior riders. It will consist of 6-10 riders, 17 & 18 years of age.
The D-Team (D for Development!) - consisting of 8-12 riders 15 & 16 years of age.
The Zee-Team (pre-juniors; the fun team!) for new riders of 14 & 15 years.

New Programs:

The FCV will host weekend track camps for all under-23 riders every 6-7 weeks form now until the 2007 Junior Track Nationals.

To capitalize on these successes we need riders, riders and more riders in the younger age groups. We need volunteers to help run these camps!
The Forest City Velodrome is here and we have the results to prove it! Climb on board for a wild ride.


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