Canadian Cyclist


July 10/06 1:36 am - BMX National Bronze at Crabtree

Posted by Editoress on 07/10/06

BMX National Bronze July 9th, Crabtree QC


7 And 8 Female (3 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1. Megan Vachon (Que)31st1st1st
2. Odile Lajoie (Que)62nd2nd2nd
3. Sarah Mcsweeney (5-6f) (Ont)93rd3rd3rd
13 And 14 Female (4 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1. Laurence Gingras (11-12f) (Que)41st1st2nd
2. Ariane Gaudet (Que)52nd2nd1st
3. Christine Belhumeur (Que)93rd3rd3rd
4. Valérie Gervais (9-10f) (Que)124th4th4th
15 And 16 Female (4 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1. Sarah Biron (Que)51st1st3rd
2. Pascale Rousseau (Que)62nd3rd1st
3. Megan Frew (Alb)73rd2nd2nd
4. Lindsay Harrington (Alb)124th4th4th
Elite Female (6 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1. Christine Miller (Jf ) (Alb)81st6th1st
2. Kaila Sweeney (Jf ) (Alb)84th1st3rd
3. Danielle Brisson (Jf ) (Bc)92nd5th2nd
4. Layne Nyhaug (Jf ) (Bc)93rd2nd4th
5. Lee Ryckman (Ont)135th3rd5th
6. Anne- Marie Rossi (Que)166th4th6th
5 And 6 Male (3 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1. Shunn Jean (Que)31st1st1st
2. Félix Normandin (Que)72nd3rd2nd
3. Jacob St- Amant (Que)83rd2nd3rd
7 Male (4 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1. Tristan Roy- Thériault (Que)31st1st1st
2. Alex Beaudoin (Que)62nd2nd2nd
3. Blake Young (Ont)93rd3rd3rd
4. Félix Trudel-Rondeau (Que)124th4th4th
8 Male (6 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1. Raphaël Ouellet (Que)41st1st2nd
2. Samuel Gervais (Que)74th2nd1st
3. Samuel Bellemare (Que)82nd3rd3rd
4. Curtis Kothe (Ont)113rd4th4th
5. Olivier Lamothe (Que)155th5th5th
6. Noah Ransom (Ont)186th6th6th
9 Male (8 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1. Pol- émil Doucet (Que)31st1st1st
2. Michael St- Onge (Que)62nd2nd2nd
3. David Boivin (Que)93rd3rd3rd
4. Kevin Beauvolsk (Que)135th4th4th
5. Alex Lamy (Que)166th5th5th
6. Darren Couto (Ont)164th6th6th
7. Anthony Houde (Que)217th7th7th
8. Nicolas Masso Lussier (Que)248th8th8th
10 Male (9 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1st. émile Lajoie (Que)71st1st5th
2nd. Thierry Deschênes (Que)41st2nd1st
3rd. Laurent Dumais (Que)52nd1st2nd
4th. Tomy Parenteau (Que)102nd4th4th
5th. Charles-étienne Laroche (Que)114th4th3rd
6th. Antoine Grenon - Charette (Que)94th3rd2nd
7th. Philippe Dubé (Que)73rd3rd1st
8th. Braden Wood (Ont)83rd2nd3rd
Alexandre Roy (Que)145th5th4th
11 Male (11 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1st. FrédÉric Lahaie (Que)31st1st1st
2nd. Jérémie Beauchemin (Que)114th5th2nd
3rd. Pascal St- Onge (Que)72nd3rd2nd
4th. Brandon Kothe (Ont)125th4th3rd
5th. Danny Smith (Ont)102nd3rd5th
6th. Brodie Young (Ont)103rd4th3rd
7th. Cole Chiddle (Ont)93rd2nd4th
8th. Samey Veillette (Que)41st2nd1st
Francis Duguay-Asselin (Que)134th5th4th
Brandon Beauvolsk (Que)136th1st6th
FrédÉrick Laroche (Que)165th6th5th
12 Male (11 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1st. Francis Lamy (Que)31st1st1st
2nd. Bryan Lapointe (Que)62nd1st3rd
3rd. Thierry Ouimet - Arbour (Que)81st3rd4th
4th. Corey Walsh (Ont)73rd2nd2nd
5th. Maxime St- Arnaud (Que)94th4th1st
6th. Kyle Perry (Ont)123rd5th4th
7th. Félix Lahaie (Que)102nd3rd5th
8th. Zachary Boivin (Que)95th2nd2nd
Jeffrey Lévesque (Que)134th4th5th
Tristan Gaudet (Que)146th5th3rd
Marc-Antoine Laroche (Que)175th6th6th
13 Male (10 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1st. Marc- Antoine Champagne (Que)31st1st1st
2nd. Vincent Gingras (Que)42nd1st1st
3rd. Alexandre Laplante (Que)62nd2nd2nd
4th. Austin Harper (Ont)51st2nd2nd
5th. Jonathan Maheu (Que)104th3rd3rd
6th. Caleb Sharpe (Ont)103rd4th3rd
7th. Sébastien Dupuis (Que)135th4th4th
8th. Derreck Beauvolsk (Que)103rd3rd4th
Charles Hokayem (Que)144th5th5th
Jason Richard (Que)155th5th5th
14 Male (9 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1st. Jordan Trudel (Que)42nd1st1st
2nd. Keyven Lambert (Que)41st2nd1st
3rd. Michaël Beaudoin (Que)41st1st2nd
4th. Jean- Sébastien Houde (Que)83rd2nd3rd
5th. Martin Robidas (Que)94th3rd2nd
6th. Marc-Antoine Deschênes (Que)135th5th3rd
7th. Francis Laroche (Que)113rd4th4th
8th. Kyle Lourenssen (Ont)92nd3rd4th
Jasmin Savard-Tremblay (Que)134th4th5th
15 Male (8 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1. Hugo Leduc - Benoît (Que)31st1st1st
2. Anthony Bordeleau (Que)102nd3rd5th
3. Kyle Pearson (Ont)116th2nd3rd
4. David Hounsome (Ont)113rd4th4th
5. Sam Leuck (Alb)134th7th2nd
6. Alex Vandenhaven (Alb)165th5th6th
7. Max-Olivier Bédard (Que)207th6th7th
8. Simon Lessard (Ont)248th8th8th
16 Male (5 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1. Scott Bernacky (Alb)42nd1st1st
2. Joey Trudeau (Que)51st2nd2nd
3. Jean- Sébastien Dufresne (Que)104th3rd3rd
4. Andrew Harper (Ont)113rd4th4th
5. Alexandre Fiset (Que)155th5th5th
25-29 Male (5 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1. Robert Perry (Ont)31st1st1st
2. Stéphane Grenon (Que)82nd4th2nd
3. Tommy Veillette (Que)94th2nd3rd
4. Pascal Perron- Abran (17-24m) (Que)103rd3rd4th
5. Ricardo Figueiro (17-24m) (Ont)155th5th5th
30 And Over Male (5 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1. Patrick Lambert (Que)31st1st1st
2. Evan Hunt (Ont)62nd2nd2nd
3. Michel Jean (Que)93rd3rd3rd
4. Jim Vanderwal (Ont)##DNF:4CR:7DNS
5. Jason Dafoe (Ont)##CR:7DNSDNS
Junior Male (10 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1st. Nick Goertzen (Bc)51st1st3rd
2nd. James Brown (Alb)61st2nd3rd
3rd. Joey Trudeau (Que)42nd1st1st
4th. Scott Bernacky (Alb)72nd3rd2nd
5th. Mischa Partridge (Bc)63rd2nd1st
6th. Tyler Simpson (Ont)94th3rd2nd
7th. Paul Goebel (Ont)113rd4th4th
8th. Grégory Picard (Que)145th4th5th
Éric Boisvert (Que)164th5thCR:7
Jordan Hulme (Ont)##CR:7DNSDNS
Elite Male (11 Riders)M-PTSM 1M 2M 3
1st. Robert Dewilde (Usa)51st2nd2nd
2nd. John Purse (Usa)62nd1st3rd
3rd. Aaron Lepp (Alb)92nd3rd4th
4th. Patrick Lebel (Alb)94th4th1st
5th. Scott Erwood (Bc)81st2nd5th
6th. Kevin Hill (Bc)103rd5th2nd
7th. Tim Dasilva (Ont)95th3rd1st
8th. Adam Muys (Bc)114th4th3rd
Bob Rowley (Ont)113rd1stCR:7
Michel Perkins (Que)155th6th4th
Sean Barron (Que)##CR:8DNSDNS
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