Canadian Cyclist


October 27/98 5:50 am - Halloween Ride (Ontario)

Posted by Editor on 10/27/98


Time once again for our annual Halloween treat. A marked singletrack night race and a fun tour. Very scary!

The one big piece of news - we have changed the venue. We're moving everything to Holland Landing. We've got the Snowmobile Club building to use, so you'll be able to party indoors right near the beer fridge! Hey, the trails are great too! They are used for the Frostbite Festival in March, and also for W.O.W. Learn to Mountain Bike Clinics, so you may know them. Holland Landing is less than an hour north of Toronto, near Highway 9 and 11 (take the 400 north from Toronto).

Registration is $20 at the door, or $15 if you get a registration to us by Tuesday, October 27. We've got a waterbottle, treats and hot drinks for everyone, and there will be beer available too! Our special Halloween beers are Pendle Witches Brew and Wychwood Hobgoblin Ale. These fine English beers are available at modest cost to our participants. We've got some prizes for the fastest riders, some draw prizes, and a special prize for the "Best Halloween Costume". Come party with us on Halloween.

The Night Race starts at 7:00 pm, with a mass start in waves. This is an OCA Citizen's Event so no racing licence is required. The race will last about an hour and a bit. If you've still got some energy left, we're going out on a tour at about 8:30. This will last about an hour. Then its back to the club house to party!

For more information contact W.O.W. at or (905) 567-7593 in the evenings.


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