Canadian Cyclist


August 15/06 11:47 am - COC Reiterates Team Selection Policy for 2008 Olympic Games

Posted by Editoress on 08/15/06

Canadian Olympic Committee Reiterates Team Selection Policy for 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing
Courtesy COC

With less than two years to the Opening Ceremony in Beijing, the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) today reiterated its team selection policy for the 2008 Olympic Games.

The COC has adopted International Federation criteria as the minimum standard for nomination to the 2008 Canadian Olympic Team. This policy was approved by the COC Board - which includes athlete members as well as representatives from all of Canada's National Sport Federations - at its biannual Board meeting on November 27, 2005.

Similar to the criteria for the 2006 and 2010 Olympic Winter Games, each National Sport Federation has the right to require selection standards for its athletes that are higher than International Federation criteria for the Olympic Games in Beijing.

An updated list of each National Sport Federation's team selection policy for the 2008 Olympic Games can be found by visiting the COC's website at - Cycling Criteria.

The Canadian Olympic Committee is a national, private, not-for-profit organization committed to sport excellence. It is responsible for all aspects of Canada's involvement in the Olympic movement, including Canada's participation in the Olympic and Pan American Games and a wide variety of programs that promote the Olympic Movement in Canada through cultural and educational means. For more information, see the COC website:


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