Canadian Cyclist


August 18/06 4:54 am - OCA Sponsors Kids CAN-BIKE Camp in Toronto

Posted by Editor on 08/18/06

OCA Sponsors Kids CAN-BIKE Camp in Toronto
Courtesy OCA

This summer, the City of Toronto Planning department, with strong support from the Ontario Cycling Association, has been offering a first-ever Kids CAN-BIKE Camp for children ages 9-12 years. Eighty kids are learning how to bike safely during an action packed week, culminating in a Bike Hike to Wards Island. Each child from the Davenport area will be able to take home and keep a brand new bike, helmet, lock and backpack courtesy of the local Canadian Tire.

Using funds generated from their Toronto Bingo program, the OCA was happy to be one of the significant contributors to this program. OCA Executive Director Steve Merker stated "It was great to be a part of such a wonderful program. Getting kids on bikes and properly introducing them to this healthy activity will help create a new generation of educated cyclists. We are helping create future cycling enthusiasts and maybe even a bike racer or two!"


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