Canadian Cyclist


September 12/06 4:22 am - OCA Road Racing Ability Based Category Open House

Posted by Editor on 09/12/06

OCA Road Racing Ability Based Category Open House
Courtesy OCA

As a result of many requests from OCA members, the OCA Development Committee* has formulated an ability based racing system for 2007 and beyond. We would like to present the draft of this system to the membership on October 3rd, 7pm at the Sport Alliance of Ontario building. (1185 Eglinton Ave East, Room 3B)

If you would like to attend this Open House, please send in your request to, listing your name and current racing category. Please title your email "Please enroll me in the Open House". Space is limited and we would like to have representation from all categories. We will send confirmations to all attendees by September 25th.

There will be a conference call option for out of town athletes.

*The OCA ability based racing committee is comprised of organizers, athletes, commissaires, and OCA staff.


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